Rupaya Hot + Cold wallet MasterNode setup guide

Rupaya Hot + Cold wallet MasterNode setup guide

This is a community contributed guide. Feel free to suggest improvements via Issues or opening Pull Requests. Thank you!

The guide takes the time to explain not just How but also Why we do certain things. By using Linux for the hot wallet you'll have the opportunity to expand your knowledge into the open source, highly available and performat operating system that powers the Internet. I'll close this though with a quote by Benjamin Franklin: "An investment in knowledge pays the best interest"

It's very common in this industry for scammers to offer "help" via remote screen sharing(TeamViewer, Skype, Zoom, WebEx, etc). They will use nicknames like Masternode Helper, Masternode Support, Cryptopia Support and will be very nice and helpful to you. At least until they manage to run a command like dumpprivkey, sendtoaddress and your funds will be gone, adios, sayonara. Please be aware and stay safe!

!!! This guide is for setting up a new MasterNode using the new (dark theme) Rupaya v4 wallet and chain !!!
Setup overview
Hot Wallet

In this guide, we refer to Hot wallet as the Rypaya wallet (Linux or Windows) that is running on the MasterNode server, with public IP address on it, providing services to the blockchain network for which it's rewarded with coins. It's Hot because it's out on the public internet 24/7, directly accessible on the peer-to-peer port (TCP 9020), much more vulnerable than a Cold wallet. That's why we are running it with a balance of 0 coins.

It's strongly recommended not to run a MasterNode Hot wallet at home! See a list of reasons here.
Cold Wallet

On the other side, the Cold wallet (Windows, OSX, Linux) holds the RUPX collateral (10,000 RUPX) and is used to enable the MasterNode server and collect rewards for its services.

This is normally run at home, behind firewall, without direct connectivity from the internet, making it a more secure wallet. Once the MasterNode is enabled. The local wallet can then be stopped and MasterNode rewards will still show up on the next wallet start and sync.

We are going to setup the Hot wallet first. This will reduce the overall time as the Hot wallet will sync the blockchain while we setup the Cold wallet. It also requires less back-and-forth between the two.
Hot MasterNode VPS Setup(Part 1) with Linux CLI only wallet

This will run 24/7 and provide services to the network via TCP port 9020 for which it will be rewarded with coins. It will run with an empty wallet reducing the risk of loosing the funds in the event of an attack.

  1. Get a VPS server from a provider like Vultr, DigitalOcean, Linode, Amazon AWS, etc.


Linux 64 bit, (e.g. Ubuntu 16.04) running on a server in the cloud 24/7. e.g: VPS such as Vultr, Amazon EC2 instance, Azure instance
Dedicated Public IP Address
Recommended at least 1GB of RAM and 20GB of disk space
Basic Linux skills

You can get servers like this for $5 a month and can run 3,4 MasterNode wallets from different coins if the monthly cost is a concern.

  1. Login via SSH into the server and type the following command in the console as root:

If you are using Windows, PuTTY is a very good SSH client that you can use to connect to a remote Linux server. If you are running a VPS from Vultr or similar, you need to use SSH such as putty if you want to copy and paste these commands otherwise you will have to type them all out!

  1. Configure swap to avoid running out of memory if you don't have a swap :

fallocate -l 3000M /mnt/3000MB.swap
dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/3000MB.swap bs=1024 count=3072000
mkswap /mnt/3000MB.swap
swapon /mnt/3000MB.swap
chmod 600 /mnt/3000MB.swap
echo '/mnt/3000MB.swap none swap sw 0 0' >> /etc/fstab

  1. Allow SSH and MasterNode p2p communication port through the OS firewall:

ufw allow 22/tcp
ufw limit 22/tcp
ufw allow 9020/tcp
ufw logging on
ufw --force enable

If you are running the MasterNode server in Amazon AWS or if additional firewalls are in place, you need to allow incoming connections on port TCP 9020 from any IP address.

  1. Install the Rupaya CLI wallet. Always download the latest release available, unpack it

Download and unpack the Rupaya wallet binaries by running the following commands:

tar -xzvf rupaya-4.0.0-x86_64-linux.tar.gz -C /usr/local/bin/

You'll get a start error like Error: To use rupayad, or the -server option to rupaya-qt, you must set an rpcpassword in the configuration file. It's expected because we haven't created the config file yet.

The service will only start for a second and create the initial data directory(/root/.rupaya/).

  1. Edit the MasterNode main wallet configuration file:

nano /root/.rupaya/rupaya.conf

Enter this wallet configuration data and change accordingly:


You can right click in SSH (putty) to paste all of the above

Exit the editor by CTRL+X and hit Y + ENTER to commit your changes.

This is a real example:


The IP address ( in this example) will be different for you. Use the ifconfig command to find out your IP address, normally the address of the eth0 interface. We are going to use this IP and port (9020) in the Cold Wallet setup(Step 2) as well.

  1. Start the service and let's obtain the value for masternodeprivkey:


Wait a few seconds then run this command to generate the masternode private key:

rupaya-cli masternode genkey

Copy to your clipboard the value returned, similar to this:


Edit the configuration file again:

nano /root/.rupaya/rupaya.conf

Add these two lines at the end of the file. The second line is taking the value you received from the rupaya-cli masternode genkey command:


In my case this was:


Exit the editor by CTRL+X and hit Y + ENTER to commit your changes.

Stop the wallet and wait 2 minutes before attempting a start:

rupaya-cli stop && sleep 120

  1. Verify that the wallet is synching the blockchain:

Run this command every few mins until you see the blocks increasing.

rupaya-cli getinfo

We can now go to the next step while this wallet syncs up with the network and gets social with the other MasterNodes.
Cold Wallet Setup(Part 2) using the Qt GUI wallet on Windows, OSX, etc


Windows 7 or higher, Mac OS or Linux
Outgoing internet access to sync the blockchain and enable the MasterNode remotely

This is the wallet where the MasterNode collateral will have to be transferred and stored. After the setup is complete, this wallet doesn't have to run 24/7 and will be the one receiving the rewards.

  1. Install and open the Rupaya-Qt wallet on your machine.

    If you have a previous Rupaya wallet installed, backup the wallet.dat, uninstall it then delete its original data directory.
    Download the newest Rupaya Qt wallet from:
    The Windows wallet needs to be extracted to a permanent location, OSX Wallet goes into Applications
    Start the wallet software and ignore the unidentified developer warning.
    If you are prompted to Allow Access by the firewall, do so.
    Let the wallet sync until you see this in the bottom right corner of your Wallet Wallet Sync Completed
    If the wallet is not synching, add this line in the configuration file:

The Qt wallet will open the configuration from Tools > Open Wallet Configuration File. Restart the wallet every time you update the configuration.

  1. Create a receiving address for the Masternode collateral funds.

Go to File -> Receiving addresses...

Click New, type in a label and press Ok.

Create Collateral Address

Select the row of the newly added address and click Copy to store the destination address in the clipboard.

  1. Send EXACTLY 10000 RUPX coins to the address you just copied. Double check you've got the correct address before transferring the funds.

If you are sending from an exchange, make sure you account for the withdrawal fee so that you get EXACTLY EXACTLY EXACTLY 10000 RUPX in. This is a common error that will cause the next step to not give you the transaction id needed later on. For example, to withdraw from Stocks.Exchange the exact ammount for a MasterNode, you need to specify the ammount of 10000.001 to account for the fee.

After sending, you can verify the balance in the Transactions tab. This can take a few minutes to be confirmed by the network. Go get a glass of water. No alcoholic beverages please, we are not out of the woods yet.

  1. Open the debug console of the wallet in order to type a few commands.

Go to Tools -> Debug console

  1. Run masternode outputs command to retrieve the transaction ID of the collateral transfer.

You should see an output that looks like this:

"txhash" : "c19972e47d2a77d3ff23c2dbd8b2b204f9a64a46fed0608ce57cf76ba9216487",
"outputidx" : 1

Both txhash and outputidx will be used in the next step. outputidx can be 0 or 1, both are valid values

  1. Go to Tools -> Open Masternode Configuration File and add a line in the newly opened masternode.conf file.

If you get prompted to choose a program, select a text editor like Notepad/TextEdit to open it.

These are the default directories for the data directory where this file is stored:

Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Rupaya
Windows: ~\AppData\Roaming\Rupaya

This is an example of what you need in masternode.conf.

The file will contain an example that is commented out(with a # in front). Read it if it helps. Based on the above values, I would add this line in:

MN1 87LBTcfgkepEddWNFrJcut76rFp9wQG6rgbqPhqHWGvy13A9hJK c19972e47d2a77d3ff23c2dbd8b2b204f9a64a46fed0608ce57cf76ba9216487 1

Where MN1 is the node's alias.

Where is the external IP of the masternode server that will provide services to the network.

Where 87LBTcfgkepEddWNFrJcut76rFp9wQG6rgbqPhqHWGvy13A9hJK is your masternode key from (Part 1), the value used for masternodeprivkey in /root/.rupaya/rupaya.conf.

Where c19972e47d2a77d3ff23c2dbd8b2b204f9a64a46fed0608ce57cf76ba9216487 is your txhash from masternode outputs.

Where 1 is your outputidx from masternode outputs.

  1. Restart the Qt wallet to pick up the masternode.conf changes.
  2. Go to Masternodes tab and check if your newly added masternode is listed.

If you want to control multiple hot wallets from this cold wallet, you will need to repeat the previous 2-7 steps. The masternode.conf file will contain an entry for each masternode that will be added to the network.

  1. Enable the MasterNode

Open Tools > Debug console.

Type this command to see all the MasterNodes loaded from the masternode.conf file with their current status:

masternode list-conf

You should now see the newly added MasterNode with a status of MISSING.

Run the following command, in order to enable it:

startmasternode alias false MN1

In this ^ case, the alias of my MasterNode was MN1, in your case, it might be different.

Alternatively, if the startmasternode command is not working, you can go to the Masternodes tab of the wallet, click on the node you want to activate and then click Start alias
Verify that the MasterNode is enabled and contributing to the network

Switch back to the MasterNode console. Give it a few minutes and go to the Linux VPS console and check the status of the masternode with this command:

rupaya-cli masternode status

If you see status Not capable masternode: Hot node, waiting for remote activation, you need to wait a bit longer for the blockchain to reach consensus. It's not uncommon to take 30 minutes before activation can be done.

If you see status Masternode successfully started, you've done it, congratulations. Go hug someone now :) It will take a few hours until the first rewards start coming in.

You should now be able to see your MasterNode(s) ENABLED on this web page:

Cheers !

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