Ranting On The Dazzling Persistency Of Ill-Founded Herd-Mentality


It's perplexing but ill-founded faith seems to grow exponentially in numbers!

It doesn't seem to matter how many good arguments exist against some theory the mainstream peddles. Heck, it doesn't even seem to matter if you can talk to someone about a deeply flawed theory of the world we are living in and.... they actually agreed - there is this magic of the herd that lures everyone back in if enough time has passed.

You can have sifted through all the reasons why a debt-based monetary system cannot create a surplus of well-being for its participants and society - if you stay out in the world for long enough without people reminding you about these flaws... you will just glace over it and pretend everything is peachy.

Same with the missing evidence to support #infection-theory. Everybody is endlessly repeating the narrative that there is such a thing as a contagious virus and so even the half-awake will start talking that way if you just reinforce it long enough.

Or how about this: It doesn't matter if you have seen through the charade of an alleged democracy that allegedly exists - people seem to relapse to going to demonstrations in order to voice their support for new elections. Despite all the knowledge out there that shows it to be futile for what most of these people want to achive... or even counterproductive to a free and self-determined life.

It's just hair-raising really, ahahaha. When did a falsehood become true just because everyone else believes it?

It's almost like this notion that majority sentiment and social approval are always of higher value than the truth. And that will just not go into my head. Not that the head stores any memory - no evidence for it. But you know what I'm saying.

I feel it doesn't really matter what narratives we are presented with. Circumstances seem utterly irrelevant. All that matters is the gradual dawning of the value in living by our own understanding and getting rid of the majority-opinion-obsession-virus that is tainting mostly everyone, even people who have seen through so many lies already.

We have to become vigilant against the allure of socially mandated narratives. They might seem cozy but they do reinforce enslavement.

Repetition doesn't make right. If I can remember this clearly, why is it not more widespread? What will it take to negate an old narrative for good? Or an entire array of narratives?

A majority decision of parliament? Nope. Noone can plaubily decide over you unless you give them the right voluntarily.

What matters is the maturity in light of immediate experience and the willingness to walk our own path in the onslaught of herd-mentality attacks.

Herd mentality will lead over the cliff, and no amount of staying in the herd will make a cliff become anything other than a cliff. Even if all the self-professed howmasters within the herd call it a springboard telling each other it's alright to jump because someone else said so...


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