Bluff Of The Decade | An Empty Threat To Set The Stage [Part 1/3]


It's 2022 and still the world is upside down. While the official narrative concerning this ominous virus nobody has ever seen continues to get more audacious and illogical by the day, one really has to wonder where the originators of this latest societal mass scare intend to take this thing. And since leaving Albania for our overwinter stay in Greece, the corona hype is everywhere you look again. And man is it depressing to see the majority of people in fear again.

So many people in Europe are scared. And it seems the scare about disobeying the draconic "measures" has long outpaced the scare for that invisible, shapeshifting particle that can allegedly make you sick. It is becoming obvious - even to those on the fence about contagion theory and the questionable validity of the virus paradigm to begin with - that the so-called authorities are ramping up the fear in a way that seems inconsistent with their usual routines and tactics.

"Vaccination duty" they call it in the German speaking world.

And so many of those who are questioning the narrative and see through the illusion that is corona are really afraid of this " new law" that will somehow force everyone to have stuff injected into their veins; stuff that nobody would ever put in their cocktail glass voluntarily.

And this is exactly the thing that really puts this mass scare into perspective: How much noise there is about it, now before the fact. Wow.

Remember those other gazillion times when "laws" were passed that were directly opposite to the will of the people? Nope you don't, because nobody remembers those laws being up for public debate before they became "fact". They were simply passed quietly and we heard about them later...

In "Germany" these things used to happen during either Christmas holidays or - politics' favorite - during the World Championship of Soccer where the entire public is as distracted as can be.

Then weeks and months later some of the people find out that the public numbing with entertainment and mass ritual had overshadowed the legislative fraud that has been perpetrated at exactly that time of wide-scale societal distraction. But here is what strikes me so much about our situation today:

This time it's different.

The attack to come is literally advertised... which is rather strange. And so it might not be an attack at all... but a bluff.


You would think that if this alleged virus noone has ever seen really WAS such a threat to the world population in any way, we would not have elevated it to the defining topic of the decade in the public arena, Especially in context with the non-existent impact corona had in actuality. It is a mere fiction, not in any way different than regular flus people sometimes go through. It would have been ignored in the media, it would have been disappeared had it really been only half the threat the narrative is making it out to be.

They call these acts cover-ups. The BS story that somehow distracts from the underlying thing that happened, from the thing that is a threat or a direct danger to the stability of life in the matrix.

There was no cover-up with the corona scare, we were told from day one how directly massive and dangerous this thing allegedly is, and it still seems all media and politics have completely stopped talking about any other topic.

One could argue that the degree to which corona has been publicized, promoted and advertised is a dead giveaway that there is no problem at all, and that there has never been one except in the propaganda narrative someone wants out there. Again look around and you will see nothing different than years ago, only the people have gone full-on panic mode (which in itself will have actual detrimental health effects).

Same with the "vaccination duty". If the intent was actually to make a law people are somehow subject to, you'd pass it without ANY prior public discussion or promotion. You make it as quietly as possible and you surely don't put this pending political decision in front of the millions of people who would resist it. This is what I can see out there.

What follows is speculation on my part:

This is all just to scare people and to create chaos and friction. Chaos that will become the basis for what is planned to come after.

And so I don't feel that the way in which this narrative develops is where it will ultimately lead to. The fear scenario that has been painted on the wall so aggressively and overly noticeable is not how the world will look, it's just a useful step along the way. I feel it's a setup to tear the entire old structure down on purpose in the days ahead but I will dive deeper into that speculation in the second part of this miniseries...


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