Are We Already Under A Marxist Society?

We are sleep walking into Marxism. But to see how we need to defy what Socilaism is according to Karl Marx (Marxism). When you read about it i find it has weird has words like “bourgeoisie” (Business Owners). So ill try to use universal words to make it an easier read.
The definition of a Capitalist Society is the things you need to work, are privately owned, factories, offices, tools etc and we have become an asset not for common purpose but to create profits for the business owners. This creates a divide in society between the workers and the business owners since we need a job to get money, to therefore survive. So we are selling the business owners our Labour, in return for cash in order to live therefore giving the business owners the ability to create a profit, so they can live, its a circle and someone within the cycle rely on someone to continue to circle. This is where Socialists want to see change, as business owners start to exploit the workers, to create more profits for themselves only. No redistribution of the surplus to the workers, just more commodities for them to, well, to create even higher profits. Karl Marx saw that through this system the workers become alienated, the worker loses interest in the product its making, as it has no control on what happens after his job is done, for instance someone on a production line doesn’t control where it goes after, as its the business owners making decisions in who buys the product, how much its sold for etc. This is a abnormal construct, as in cave man days, you would work to find food, kill it, bring it home, and eat with the tribe, so they have as much çontrol after then the did before. Capitalism needs competition, and through this makes it a wasteful system as your going up against other businesses if the same type, trying to do more then the other, when there’s only limited buyers, if your cheaper, you need to make more to pay the overheads and make a profit, the chase of this profit is often at the workers cost. Eg lower wages, longer work days. Also competition creates the need to make more profits so you seek out other markets, expanding your business evsen if your not well equipt for it, the business can always learn, or take control of someone else’s business by buying them out and then still use there expertise. Lenin said Imperialism is the highest form of Capitalism.


The alternative to capitalism that generations of activists have tried to win is socialism. In a socialist society production would be determined by need, not profit, with the means of production owned collectively by workers. The main argument for Socialism isn’t in fact the need to have a organised and effective way of production, while its important for them, they want a world where the alienation of the worker through capitalism is gone so the worker would be able to lead a better life. Karl Marx although wrote about Socialism he didn’t exactly know what a Socialist Society looked like. He didn’t think it would be a Utopian one like many people now believe. Marx said
“When we first enter Socialism it will be on the roots of the Capitalist Society its taken over.”

Socialism emerges from Capitalism. Capitalism demonstrats what the human race can achieve through production, creates billion pounds economies!

Under Socialism, they say it is where we can find out what we want out of life because of the end of Capitalist Worker Alienation. We would be able to make collective decisions about our jobs and businesses also freeing up ourselves so we can find us, and what we want out of life. No more nose to the grind stone, no more 60hr weeks.

But the Socialism you hear today is far from what Karl Marx had thought. It is the Utopian society where no class system will happen we are all as wealthy as each other, even if that “wealth" isn’t monetary, but socially. We could all end up poor, as the governments would take over our industry’s, businesses being free, or heavily subsidised, where our taxes will fill the governments banks but recieve nothing in return, apart from a freedom from production. And over time they take more things from you when eventually they taken your freedoms. And that would start the Communist Era, but i digress...... To shake off the Capitalist system, you need a revolution.

You cannot simply just elect Socialist politicians to put through Socialist policies and start to make the world a equal and fairer place. Most changes happen from pressure from outside a parliament, using mass movements like Black Lives Matter aka Black Liberation Movement. Had the pressure not came from trained Marxists who exploited a police death of a black criminal in America, BLM could never have happened. But the emotive language these use, means although in UK race relations are good, it makes it seem that its bad. So government acts rashly. Socialism will never happen unless a revolution happens, unless the Men, Women and Children of the Left stand up and take action. The Working Class is the instrument for any revolution. Without us, the Business Owners cannot create and make there wealth. As Marx wrote in a vital section of The German Ideology (1845): the alteration of men [sic] on a mass scale is necessary, an alteration which can only take place in a practical movement, a revolution; this revolution is necessary, therefore, not only because the ruling class cannot be overthrown in any other way, but also because the class overthrowing it can only in a revolution succeed in ridding itself of all the muck of ages and become fitted to found society anew. To quote The Communist Manifesto. Any and all attempts to impose socialism from above are limited by virtue of working within the strictures of a capitalist apparatus.

Karl Marx wasn’t a behind the scenes intellectual, he got out onto the streets, he defended his thoughts against many, he was the force of his revolution, in the world without social media, to get his theories out there through leaflets and speeches, like going to Speakers Corner, London. To stand on his soapbox and speak.

Karl Marx was able to predict social development, described the social economic force that would replace Capitalism was Communism but in order to get there you needed Socialism. He understood the processes social development. He also had the understanding of how the transition from Caplitalism into Communism would take place. Studying many societies throughout our civilization the driving force of Social Development was Class Struggle. Without the victory of the Business Owners over the Aristocracy there would never be Feudalism, and needing the Working Class to over throw the Capitalists, Socialim will be impossible. This is Karl Marx main point in his writings of Class Struggle. He was able to show the differences between the classes, who wins and who loses and shows a way out of these systems, begin a classless society, which ultimately will pave a way in to what Marx wanted, Communism. Karl Marx best student, took his teachings and went further with Marxism and the new era Capiltalism, had new ideas on the Class Struggle, his name was Vladimir Lenin.

Lenin went on to create the Russian Communist Party. He used what Marx taught and his own view to create Marxist-Lenninism. He has been found to become one of the greatest revolutionary scholars and leader since Marx.

So where does that leave us now? With the teachings of Marxism and Lenin, the Capitalist knows the biggest threat to the system is the Working Class, if we slow or withold our Labour, the business owners won’t get there produce. Marxist will always so Capitalism as bad, show the downfall in society due to this but forget to mention how bad Socialism is, how every socialist system that every has been has failed until it gets to Communism and by then no one can say anything as its gone to far bad.

Like me a proud Capitalist, looking into what is going on now in 2020, and where how we will rebuild in 2021 ive realised this:

Some studies suggest that 90% of the worlds economies have a working class. Capitalism only works properly when you can increase your labour force, increase your output and keep costs to a minimum. With such a high working class its no good for Capitalism, as your costs rise, with employing more to be more efficient but you have e higher overheads. Capitalism needs to create a fake diversion, so you attack them and not the businesses .... they do this by having much higher paid workers doing the same job eg. Gender Pay Gap problems. This is happening worldwide which suggest that its no an accident. Then the Marxists need to create the revolution where the majority if the labour comes from a few industries, overnight plunging smaller businesses out of work, forcing them to become part of the workforce. Quickly this causes what the Marxists want. A revolution, where the working class rise up, and say this system is wrong, its against the workers, burn the system down. And right then the highly trained Marxists in our society will bring about the change, will be able to bring Socialism to the front as people are willing to try something new.

Now with that said, im concluding that we have for many years been living in subconsciously under a Marxist state, where people with this ideology have taken the top jobs in businesses and can now under Covid 19 create the revolution. The Torys have been in power for over a decade, and looking into the leaders and policies I can see that these are not the Capitalists we expected them to be, but part of a Marxist Sympathising group of World Leaders.

When we make the stand for our country, we have to remember we still want to exist within Capitalism

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