Are you tired of Marvel and D.C. yet?

Are you tired of Marvel and D.C.?

Is the non-stop SJW propaganda stopping you from going back to theaters?

Well, the time for change is now, and we’re providing that change with Voluntaryist Suit Saga One over at:

No SJW agenda.

No preaching at the reader and scolding them for not being “woke” enough.

Just a great story with INCREDIBLE characters who will inspire you and get you to think more deeply about the world.

And, we’ve not only hit goal, but we’ve also unlocked 3 stretch goals on top!

If you back at the print comic tier or higher, you’ll not only get your perk pack, but 3 ADDITIONAL goodies as well, with a 4th in position to be unlocked soon!

So, don’t wait!

The campaign has a limited window before close and there are a few special, limited-edition items you can pick up in support including a rare Origins II cover variant created by Rippaverse artist Igor Teixeira.

This is something you WON'T want to miss out on.

See you on Indiegogo!

  • J ( :

Campaign link:

#comicbooks #comics #comicbooks #comicsgate #marvel #dc #rippaverse #voluntaryist #voluntaryism #ancap

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