The logic behind the “14,000,605” different future simulations that Dr. Strange saw.

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The logic behind the “14,000,605” different future simulations that Dr. Strange saw.

WHY EXACTLY 14,000,605!

It can’t just be any random number, after all our favourite Sherlock doesn’t just speak crap.

When the 10 years of buildup to Marvel’s biggest ever project finally culminated, it left most of us distraught and in a state of disbelief. All of us knew that some of our favourite heroes would die, but so many!

Dr. Strange traded the time stone for Tony Stark’s life, allowing Thanos to complete the Infinity Guantlet.

The reason given by Strange was that he had seen all the possible 14,000,605 futures and only one of them had the good guys winning. So to ensure their victory in the long run, Strange made the decision that was virtual suicide.

But the question that kept ringing in my mind was…


I couldn't believe that such a big franchise like Marvel would have just randomly chosen any number, that too perhaps in the most important juncture of the entire franchise.

And then I got it.

Each possible future can have two outcomes, Yes and No. So if the future depended upon Tony Stark it would have 2 outcomes based upon his life and death. But the greatest supervillain of all time cannot be defeated just by one Avenger, it had to be a combined effort.

So considering all the superheroes in the original poster, we have 24 heroes fighting the Titan.

So each alternate fate for each hero would mean,

Log(14000605) to base 2 = 23.7399 ~ 24

Marvel, you beauty!

P.S. Someone may argue that only this back calculation works as 2^24 > 14000605. But just consider the below:
Maybe someone of the above 24 persons had to die more no. of times. Maybe in some alternative futures one of the 24 has only one outcome : to die at last.
And that's why the number 2^24 is greater than 14000605 because not all 24 have an equal opportunity to live in alternate futures.

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