Just thinking, since Mars is god of war than he should be connected with the first murder, which would make him the real identity behind the Cain character in the Bible, who at the age of about 120 years killed his young brother Able, who was able to get more return with less effort because he collaborated with the nature.

I think Able represents Jupiter as ego, as true sense, reflection of self, soul, consciousness, while Cain wanted to do everything his ego way only. Hence he got mad and was responsible for the first murder and thus was cursed by God to wonder the earth with the mark of distinction and incidentally with the mortal age of Herodotus mans limited by God to 120 years, Adam lived 930 while there is no mention of the Eve's age of death from what I recall.

Would that be Mars as Marduk destroyer of the Tiamat in Babylonian tradition? The Baal, the owner, of the world? While Jupiter is self awareness as the ego, Mars is the owner of action and the aftermath thereof.

If this theory is correct, that would make Venus (personality) his sister with their parents being Adam as Saturn (time) and Eve as Rhea (space).

The first reference in the Genesis of "male and female created He them" is indication of the hydrogenous origin, the Hebrew word used isha means woman, whereas in the second verse it prefers to the rib of Adam from which Eve was created, in this case the Hebrew word used havvah meaning of life, which is where the rib metaphor comes in, the rib is a reference to the old Sumerian creation story where the first woman was known as Ning Ti, which is a pun, meaning both She is of Life or She is of Rib, and ribs are of the rib cage space where lungs are for breathing aka spiritus in Latin.

This nicely ties in with all the Greek and Roman mythology. I got to think about it some more but it seems right in its symbolism and correlations.

If the soul is pure love truth and peace of Goddess God with the freedom to choose in the Garden of Eden, which implies trust, then eating of the forbidden fruit of knowledge of good and evil, meaning becoming self aware as identity of ego, means breaking that trust. It doesn't mean the fall of pride yet, all it means at this stage is being outside of one identity with Goddess God who are One. One then becomes self aware soul in the image, once outside the Eden, of Adam & Eve, Cain or Able, there were others, six of them I think wiki mentioned.

The age of Gemini, the beginning of the earth cycle yet still in the remnant of the Golden age, is followed by the Iron age of Taurus and Aries, Aries Ram (fire/earth) being first zodiac sign, ruled by Mars.


Mars god of Free Will, god of Agriculture & Civilization, god of War as Defender of God's Love, Truth, and Peace.

The essence of god Mars as King of the World (Rex Mundi) is the journey from Heaven to the world and below, thus creating the whole worlds of descent (sins) and ascent (virtues) only to return as Victorious King of Kings in order to illuminate the world and below it to be same as above in perfect image of each other, therefore animating perfect balance of YinYang within the whole Cosmic Egg, enabling for gods to rest when creation is awake and vise versa in perfect harmony, and this is the New Jerusalem the Holy Place of Peace.


Birthday on March 1st, New Roman Year.

"Like Ares who was the son of Zeus and Hera, Mars is usually considered to be the son of Jupiter and Juno. However, in a version of his birth given by Ovid, he was the son of Juno alone. Jupiter had usurped the mother's function when he gave birth to Minerva (goddess of wisdom) directly from his forehead (or mind); to restore the balance, Juno sought the advice of the goddess Flora on how to do the same. Flora obtained a magic flower (Latin flos, plural flores, a masculine word) and tested it on a heifer who became fecund at once. She then plucked a flower ritually using her thumb, touched Juno's belly, and impregnated her. Juno withdrew to Thrace and the shore of Marmara for the birth.

Ovid tells this story in the Fasti, his long-form poetic work on the Roman calendar. It may explain why the Matronalia, a festival celebrated by married women in honor of Juno as a goddess of childbirth, occurred on the first day of Mars' month, which is also marked on a calendar from late antiquity as the birthday of Mars. In the earliest Roman calendar, March was the first month, and the god would have been born with the new year. Ovid is the only source for the story. He may be presenting a literary myth of his own invention, or an otherwise unknown archaic Italic tradition; either way, in choosing to include the story, he emphasizes that Mars was connected to plant life and was not alienated from female nurture." Wikipedia


www (eternal peace of the virgin mother goddess, Yin Z/Omega, silence, never)

WOW (The Throne of True God, Truth, Yang A/Alpha, always, energy, forever)
~ Holy Spirit (The Breath of God)
what (Heaven, Uranus/Holy Souls/Sound & Light/Love/Life ♡ / Trinity, symbiosis, freedom to choose, temperature) YangYin
|/ |/ |/
.,:;•●°○oO0()||=| -'" |__▪■¤□ ^< 》☆
(is/it, at/to, in/out, the/thee/this/that, on/no)||~ ||
||~|| ~||
womb (Cosmic Egg, Neptune, Triad, Holy Waters of Peace & Truth, electromagnetic force) YinYang
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~~
~ ~
Tree Of Life ♧
Garden Of Eden ♢

\| |//
herenow/nowhere = where (here) (Rhea/space/Eve) when (now) (Saturn/time/Adam)
| |
~ ~ ~
Forbidden Fruit ♤
~ ~ ~

Out of the Eden

|| ||

Cycles of time begin. Past/Was, Present/Is, Future/Will and space, Here, There, Therefore, Thereby, Thereupon, Everywhere, Whereupon, Whereby, Whereas.

Paradise (change of the constants of love truth and peace into themselves, Soucha/Suka as well centred Axel square hole in the wheel, union, home, family & friends, happiness.)

Knowledge, experience, exchange, sharing, care, information, skills & trade, Communication & Community (Mercury)

who (Jupiter 'my brain' / I am, where I is child, A is Father, and M is Mother, the ego as sence of self, I am this I am, Lord, Thor, vow as Mithra of contracts and laws, us, our, collaboration, honesty/honour, Abel his name indicated the truth that Ab 'True Father God' is father of El 'Lords/Luminaries/Elohim, art/temperance, tem, ten/complete, Justice, virtues, consciousness.)


we (Venus/love ♡, personality of Goddess :), weather, tempo)
me (Mars, me +/- u, you as half of W double u, god of Free Will, the Character of God, King of Kings, King Of The World, Rex Mundi, Defender of God's Love, Truth, and Peace, Baal (owner, Lord), god of wilderness & civilization, chaos and order, Teacher, god Pan of nature, god of agriculture, god of War, me myself and I, my way or highway, downwards soul's descent as Cain who becomes proud as Lucifer, then he becomes fallen angel who eventually kills his brother Abel (Jupiter aka awareness of true soul self as all seven lights making one soul being of eternal love truth and peace, as honesty and being centered/focused, pure), he becomes Adversary as Satana/Anger/Hate, King of the Underworld as I am that I am, the Volcano god, temper, tempted, debtor, sinner.) However upon refinement of his soul in making it pure of sin it becomes exalted, wise, and gloriously victorious as Mars metamorphosis into the ascending god Defender and Protector of God's souls on their journey of life and self discovery and refining.
Wisdom (Minerva / Athena)

Change of non constants in spiral either towards the Centre of Constants (love truth and peace) aka Soucha where time flies and space is vast, or away from it Duka where time slows relative to how far the perceived by the ego "centre" vs from the actual one where one is, the more there is change needed to process the slower the time and space.
. . .
Now (sun / someone (one = 1 light made out of 7 rainbow lights, one from each Luminary Lords, temporary, nature)

Won (moon / total sum, wisdom gained and intelligence, attempt, nurture, history, memory, record)

Somewhere (earth/stage/body/Temple)
why & how (Pluto, Judgement, purification & redemption, repent, tempting serpent)

Be Well, Happy, and Prosper!


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