The Story of Ron Shepard ,.UK's most married man

Here is a letter I sent to RON to try and help him ! NOT to go against my previous Posting, but YOU have to use common sense here. I get hit on all the time here, and I know why, these young girls want MONEY, they want things and it does not take them long to figure it out that they are sitting on a GOLD MINE! It just takes some time for them to decide when they will start mining it ? Stupid guys, come here find a 20 year old Hottie and say I AM IN LOVE, Well DUMB ASS YOU MAY BE IN LOVE but your GIRL is in LOVE with your Wallet. Here is the new Wedding Vows :

Re-worded wedding vows;
I, Gold Digger, take you,The Wallet/Credit Cards & Property , to be my lawfully wedded (husband), to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for richer, for the Mall and anything I want to buy and in health, until death do YOU part. Which may come sooner than latter!

Ya I want to be apart of that, what line do I get into to sign up to loose all my shit ! ARE YOU KIDDING ME ! MARRIAGE IS ABSOLUTELY USELESS FOR A MAN. IT IS A LEGAL TRAP SET TO STEEL ALL YOUR STUFF! The Blissful state of Marriage is a LIE, its another Money Making Machine From the Parties to the Wedding to the DIVORCE, and all that money HAS BEEN WASTED, AND FOR WHAT,......... DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY BAR GIRLS YOU CAN BUY FOR FUN WITH THAT MONEY ? And when you are done there is no-body to bitch at you! I am sorry if this offends anyone. BUT ITS THE TRUTH! We are talking about Prostitution here, and its all the way in how you think about it in your mind ! You are married, You Buy something nice for your wife, that night YOU GET LAID! Whats the difference, YOU JUST PAID TO HAVE SEX! I even tested this out with my wife, every time I bought her something like the $5.000 USD Rice carved Hard Wood 4 poster feather bed I got laid almost every night and about 1/2 way through the month its starts to slide off then its Don't Touch Me ! So I got her a Antique Chair, and WOW, again I got sex till about the 1/2 way Mark of the month then NOTHING! I did this several more times stopping every other month which was a DRY MONTH as to NO SEX! Women use SEX to get what they want wither its a Prostitute or a Girl Friend or Wife! So whats the POINT! But I felt bad for this guy, ans you will read and see his pic below! Men have to learn, there is a better way!

My Letter to Ron: ( Pic Below)
Ron, I have lived in the Philippines for over 20 years, and I have to tell you the Young girls are FUN to have FUN with, at your age YOU should be looking for ladies in their late 30's, they have been around the block, and have lost most all the Romantic Bull Shit & are ready to settle down as they know their exasperation date is fast coming up ! They are more stable & Down to earth ! You have to ask yourself, Would you be with a 70 or 80 Year old man if you were a 20 years old woman ? Honestly these girls are looking for $$$$$$ & a passport to a better life, most marry & do the 5 year deal then leave for a younger man ! It is sad but true! I have seen this a 100 times. I am 61 and my Filipina wife was 42 when I met her. she was Beautiful and we have stuff in common she is a good wife and takes care of me . BUT SHE IS NOT 20 years old ! Age may be just a number, but sometimes you need a reality check. Fuck the ROMANCE BULL SHIT, You need a good woman who will LOVE you and be a companion to you. Who has lived life and is ready to settle down, YOUNG GIRLS are NOT like that ! Older woman are more accepting of your Medical conditions as well. You really need to study the Culture before you jump into another Marriage, and why Bother with Marriage, what the hell for! It servers you no benefit, get a care giver visa with a girl who wants to be with you! Marriage STOPS NOTHING ! PREVENTS NOTHING, BUT fucks over the MAN usually in the END! Do some HARD THINKING ! up the age a little unless you want to shag her pay her 1500 pesos and boot her to the CURB ! You buy Cristel Lalec Bull Shit, I cant have SEX I am christian, LET me pop your Bubble here, IF that GIRL Really cared for you Christian or NOT she would have had sex with you ! All Filipinas FUCK ! Don't be delusional in thinking they are saving themselves for YOU ! They start Young here. So you need to open your eyes and really think about this. Or you will just continue to be used & Suffer till YOU do die alone! Best Of Luck Mate !BBET2nP.jpg

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