Looking Into The Ways Some Marriages Operate

That was how I overheard some individuals having a conversation at the back of my window this morning and I realized that they were women who talked about the way their husbands collected every cash they had on them.
Of course, they were local women and they felt that way because they felt they were being cheated by their husbands who ware not comfortable with them handling cash.

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Their husbands, on the other hand, do menial jobs that fetch them little amount to feed the family, some of them allow their wives to work and produce extra profit while some others will want them to stay back at home and take care of the children.

On regular occasions, there is always fights and arguments, and at the end of the day what is noticed to cause their regular fight is because the man is not dropping enough money at home to take good care of the family and he will not still allow the woman to go out to work because his belief is that her place is to stay at home where she has the absolute responsibility to cook for him and the children, make love with him whenever he pleases and ensure that the house is neat.

The woman who however believes in workng to earn a living, will be turned into a frustrated woman who always gets angry at everything that happens because he feels she is just imprisoned and even if the man should notice that she has extra cash at hand, he will certainly look for a way to collect it from her.

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