Ten Bonding tips for newly weds

Marriage dynamics, Ten Bonding tips For Newly weds , which can help couples to bond and the marriage to last very long and be very enjoyable.

  1. Praying together daily, a family that prays together sticks together, prayer is powerful, it unifies people, it makes two people closer to God and therefore very close to each other like super glue.
  2. Planning together including the budget. As partners it is very important and very nice that you do things together and disclose your plans. It is a sign of confidence and respect.
    Lack of planning together breeds questions and doubts and suspicions.
  3. Playing together, on a long journey you get tired and bored, humor provides that refreshment, laughter is good for the soul, it heals, as much as possible smile together, laugh together, play together, have your own games.
  4. Praise and encourage each other, not criticize and discourage, you are a helper not a discourager , be a source of advice, guidance, motivation and strength, praise and positive talk is very powerful.
  5. Prioritize each other, number one, first priority, undivided attention, full attention, do not allow work, church, friends, children, relatives, the tv, Internet and your blackberry or smart phone to take first priority. No and never. Because your spouse is first priority be sensitive, go all the way, make sure your partnership, friendship, help is felt not doubted.
  6. Protect each other, protect your marriage, anything or person that threatens or is a danger to your friendship deal with very quickly, chase any relative who comes to stay with you and is a source of division, conflict or discourse.
  7. Talk to each, with love and respect. To know each other people need to talk and talk and talk and talk, talk love. Words are very powerful. Generally all love relations begin with powerful words, Maintain those sweet words.
  8. Party, picnic have plenty of pleasure together. Marriage was intended to be enjoyed, it is not a prison nor a punishment, but a source of joy. Within your resources make sure you really enjoy your journey together, go to the nicest place you can afford, have a good time together. Remember for everything to thrive it requires a conducive Environment. Life is short have maximum fun in your marriage.
  9. Pull together without pushing, no fighting, no grumbling and complaining no reversing. Bear each others burdens as the Bible says. You are each others helpmate, be a helper, available when your help is needed.
  10. Finally do not allow unholy silence. Voice out, say it out with wisdom.Make it a habit to break unholy silence by offering to help, ask loving questions. Do not be tempted to fix each other with silence. When there are issues, do not just keep quiet, unholy silence is a killer.

God bless you.

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