How to preapre for your marriage

Decide on the type of marriage you want

If you are going to start building intentionally towards the marriage you want then you need to start by defining what that might look like for you. Take a look at the relationships around you. What do you like about them and what would you prefer not to have in your marriage? Speak to older couples who have marriages like you want and ask them what has worked for them.

Invite Jesus along for the ride

Your relationship with Jesus will be your cornerstone of your marriage. Jesus won’t leave you when your vows get tested or when you’re nursing a baby in the middle of the night. Be intentional about building a relationship with Jesus. On the nights when you don’t have a date, pick up your bible and listen for his voice. One verse I memorized and often return too is 1 Corinthians 7:17 from the Message Bible, “And don't be wishing you were someplace else or with someone else. Where you are right now is God's place for you. Live and obey and love and believe right there. God, not your marital status, defines your life.”

Ask yourself tough questions

Now that you know what the marriage you’re building towards looks like you’ll need to ask yourself some tough questions:

If I keep living my life exactly as it is, where will I be in 3 years?

How can I intentionally move myself toward the marriage that I hope for?

Meet different types of people

Dr. Jay points out that, “Twenty-somethings who huddle together with like-minded peers limit who they know, what they know, how they think, how they speak, and where they work.” Chances are your future spouse won’t come from your current group of friends. Accept invitations to events you wouldn’t normally go to, make friends with people of different ages, socio-economic classes and races. Allow these people to expand the horizons of your heart.

Gain control over your emotions

In my early twenties I shared an apartment with my younger brother. We had good times but we also fought, a lot. Then I read the book, Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend and I began to learn how to own my emotions and diffuse our arguments. If you are often angry, depressed, or anxious, and don’t know why, your twenties is the time to find a good therapist. Find out what your emotional triggers are, how to handle them and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

Manage your money

Finances remain one of the top reasons for divorce. People don’t usually get divorced for lack of money but when two people handle money differently it can be a source of ongoing friction. Start a saving habit, find a budgeting style that works for you and see that pay off in the long run. Dr. Jay says, “Here is where we get to my main reason for encouraging 20-somethings to engage with their financial futures: brain development. The habits you instill in yourself while your brain is wiring up in your twenties will be with you for a lifetime.”

Stop comparing your life to others

Theodore Roosevelt famously said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” It can also be one of the quickest ways to take life out of a romantic relationship. If you compare your spouse to someone else chances are they will fall short in some area, most of the time. So be intentional in your 20’s about not comparing your life, achievements or relationships to others. Choose to live your life intentionally rather than living in reaction to others.pobrane.jpg

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