Men and women requirements in a marriage.?

Marriage is the only institutions where certificates right after admission. The reasons being that there no graduation involved.
In that sense before one enter into this school, he/she must observe the following requirements.
Credit to for the pictures.

Firstly lets know what men do expect from their women.

  1. A man needs sexual fulfilment. It should not surprise anyone that men are sexually oriented than women.
  2. A needs a wife who will be his playmates, that is to say recreational companionship,,
    3.A man needs peaceful home.
  3. A man needs a wife who care about herself and always looks attractive.
  4. A man needs admiration and respect. Always men want to know they are really admired and respected by their wives. Men deduce love from respect and admiration.
    When a man is respected, he feels how truly the wife loves him.

Women requirements

  1. Every woman wants her husbands affection, the need to be considered as valuable, important and worthy.

  2. A woman needs conversation. Woman are truly connected through conversation.
    They always wants you to initiate and steer the conversation. They always wants someone who can communicate well with them.

  3. A woman wants honest and openess. They always wants someone who is not secretive.

  4. A woman needs financial stability.

  5. A woman needs a man's commitment to the family.
    They always expect and require from their husbands they cherish and are committed to their family.

When men and women are able to meets these requirements, they stand the chance of making their marriage one of a kind and must be considered by all to ensure we have the best of marriages here on earth.
Marriage is the small heaven on earth and must be well respected and cherish always.
God bless us all as we take into consideration the above consideration.
Until we meet again...peace be unto you.

This is @awuahbenjamin from @teamghana.

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