BIZpaye CRYPTO: A Real World Crypto MarketPlace for The Blockchain

The year 2019 has been an interesting year, most especially in the crypto space. If we all have to succinctly describe this year as individuals, we will all have different views, mainly because of our different experiences and considering our encounters with so many forms of projects that have been launched. I have personally come across different projects and have carefully selected distinct and quality ones because there is no more room for a waste of time on ephemeral and meaningless projects. Given this, I have decided to introduce you to one of the rare gems in the crypto space. This rare gem is known as BIZpaye. It is an already existing International Group of Companies and self-funded multi-transactional B2B & B2C Online and offline retail Marketplace, which is a rare occurrence in the crypto world, particularly with most projects that are being launched nowadays. Which is why I call it a rare gem. You will all bear me witness that for a project to succeed. It must have at least a working product, if not many. Which then makes BIZpaye to be a project with great potentials.

What is BIZpaye?
BIZpaye is not just a company with an online presence, but a registered international group of companies, which owns a barter trading platform, with a long-standing history of success and achievements. BIZpaye is also known as an online crypto marketplace, that is operational in twelve (12) countries of the world. This indicates that the coverage of this marketplace is international and it is known in almost all parts of the world. Therefore, I will not be exaggerating if I say that BIZpaye has got you covered anytime anywhere.

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Features of Bizpaye as related to Blockchain Technology
Since the advent of blockchain technology, there have been a lot of developments in the world of crypto, as well as the world in entirety. In the recent G20 summit that was held at Osaka, a consensus was reached and has been reaffirmed that cryptocurrency and blockchain technology plays an important role in increasing the efficiency and transparency of the global financial system, therefore, limiting its development is not advisable. This is not far fetched from the fact that these features are inherent in blockchain technology. Which is why BIZpaye has decided to adopt it, to enhance its services and deliver the best to the world, from which a new name has been coined, known as BIZpayeCrypto. This new BIZpaye ecosystem will use a smart contract on the Ethereum network to enhance the advertisement of goods and services.

Why BIZpaye?
A common adage states that " Inside every problem lies an opportunity." There have been a lot of problems confronting the current barter industry, which lies several marketplaces. However, BIZpaye has identified these problems and subsequently discovered that the solution lies in the adoption of cryptocurrency, but the present barter industry sees it as a threat because it is more effective and proficient. Some of these problems identified with the current marketplace and the solution proferred by BIZpaye are as follows:

Price transparency and trust: A system that has a centralized authority, in which who controls funds, the channel and last destination of funds cannot be traced down, cannot be trusted, because there is no transparency. Such a system is vulnerable to fraud, which is why the present barter industry needs reformation. BIZpaye new ecosystem, with the introduction of BIZpaye token, will in this wise provide transparency as to who is holding a particular fund, where it is being transferred, all the parties involved, as well as easy processing and faster transaction time between buyers and sellers, through the integration of blockchain technology on its platform.

Payment flexibility: With the current marketplace on so many platforms, different means of the transaction have been introduced. Such as the use of coins, paper money and the onward introduction of credit and debit cards. Most of the times, the seller dictates the means of transaction, which sometime might be inconvenient for the buyer. This is very common in cross-border transactions. BIZpaye before the introduction of cryptocurrency into its system had identified this problem long ago and introduced other options of the transaction, such as USD Barter Dollar, Thai Barter Baht and the likes, for flexibility. Howbeit, with the introduction of BIZpayeCrypto, the flexibility more enhanced. This has a long way to help local and small merchants and buyers, to easily make and receive payments irrespective of where they may be.

Unsold spare capacities: This is a term used when companies, firms or industries overproduce beyond the request of consumers, thereby causing wastage of products. There are certain jurisdictions or countries where policies have been made by the government to help bare the possible losses that may be incurred through over-production. One of the disadvantages in this is that governments tend to take over businesses and in places where such policies do not work, businesses tend to fold up. The advent of blockchain technology on BIZpaye platform will enable easy and flexible peer-to-peer transaction in all parts of the world, without the influence of any third party or government. Most of the times, the influence of third payment on present barter industries can easily lead to the discouragement of small and medium merchants and buyers in the transaction processes. Therefore, BIZpayeCrypto and technology will offer
businesses at all levels a new and already refined ecosystem to market and fulfil easy sales of Unsold Spare Capacities.

These among other problems and solutions proferred by BIZpayeCrypto can bring immense value to both the goods and services exchanged between buyers or merchants and sellers. I will be mincing words if I do not add that it is real-world for the retail marketplace for blockchain.

Primary Use Case and Application of BIZpaye Crypto Token
The platform of BIZpaye inline with its token has been established to offers its token holders the opportunity to use it as a medium for the exchange of goods and services. These goods and services could be those coming from merchants, members and individuals who desire to market and sell their goods and services to buyers. Buyers, in turn, are also allowed to use the BIZpaye Crypto Token or mix of crypto, fiat or trade currencies for the transaction. The crypto is not solely owned by BIZpaye and can be used on any P2P platform or exchange that is blockchain-related.

BIZpaye Swap Platform
Before the launch of the BIZpaye Token, the BIZpaye Team has already heavily invested into its BIZpaye Swap
Platform. The objective of the BIZpaye Swap Platform is to help crypto-friendly holders of tokens called non-performing 3rd party token assets to help convert these 3rd party tokens to the new and more useful BIZpaye Crypto Token. By offering swaps of non-performing 3rd party tokens for BIZpaye Tokens, BIZpaye will be able to grow its community of crypto-friendly fans who will have access to a real-world marketplace to use their token, whereby at the same time helping these 3rd party token holders to migrate into a token that can be used for purchasing of goods and services giving them some sort of real transactional use for their original token purchase. It is projected that the BIZpaye SWAP Platform, currently in Beta testing, will be deployed in late 2019 for market use.

What makes BIZpaye special when compared to other marketplaces?
BIZpaye is a project that has been well designed to grow organically, because it already has its products, which is unlike so many marketplaces which are still in their developmental stages even after fundraising program. The promotion and the developments made and those that are in progress on the project will be impactful, most especially in making the project to grow organically. This sis also to say that most of the other projects are just pump and dump, which at the end might make their projects not to last long.

What products are offered by BIZpaye to become one of the best projects?
Amazingly, BIZpaye is an already established business, which has presence and is trading in multiple countries of the world, which means it has its working products globally, whose merchants are already buying and selling goods and services using virtual currencies. Therefore, integrating blockchain into the system, makes it available in more countries worldwide, if not all through the world where virtual currencies are allowed. BIZpaye is the first Barter company in the world that uses virtual currency to migrate to Blockchain. Also, the BIZpaye Crypto tokens can be used on its platforms by anyone in the world.

I will like to say on this note that, with full assurance and utmost confidence that BIZpaye is one of the best projects you can ever think of in the crypto space, because it has offered real and working solutions to lingering world problem in the modern barter industry. Therefore, I am not in doubt that this project will succeed and will forever remain relevant to the whole world. Very soon there will be offices in almost if not all parts of the world. I want to also use this medium to appreciate the BIZpaye team because they are here to put smiles on the face of everyone in the world in general.


Bitcointalk Username: Denreal

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