These 7 Marketing Tactics Will Grow Your Brand

Sometimes we try to overcomplicate what we are doing and how we're doing it. But growing your brand means focussing on what matters.
Here are 7 marketing tips you can focus on to really grow your brand:

  1. Facetime
    People want to see faces and a personality, not just a logo or the products/services. They want to connect now more than ever
  2. Social Media trends
    Find a way to keep up, catch the waves, adopt them and build a strategy around them.
  3. Focused website
    Get creative with how you communicate your value
    and keep it simple.
  4. Video
    Think hook, story, CTA (call to action)
    It's an investment you won't regret and an investment that'll give you a return. If you're already doing it, great but if you're not it's not too late to start until it is.
  5. Paid ads
    As important as it is to grow organically it is also important to put money where your mouth is. For example, FB ads, google ads, Tik-Tok ads, etc
  6. Testing your strategy
    Figure out why people who come to your site or profile don't convert, figure out why you fail, and improve it. Keep testing and trying until you're succesful.
  7. Ambassadors/influencers
    People want to see real people; people they know or might or want to, people they trust, etc. This is the next big way to generate revenue and traffic to your site. It'll deliver you 11 times a higher return on investment (ROI) than any traditional marketing method.
    Find the right people and grow.

Do you agree with me and are you willing to do whatever it takes to grow your brand?


Photo by Kristian Egelund on Unsplash

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