I found a new marketing tool on the Hive Blockchain! - LISTNERDS


Hey guys! šŸ˜Š

How are you doing?
I am pretty good but also quite exhausted. Making a trial work for a new job at the same time while still having my old job and my music and NFT project is quite alot... But the trial work is awesome so far and I love it! šŸ˜„ IĀ“m really excited to see how everything will go the next weeks... Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Today, I want to introduce a new tool to you, which I just started to use 2 weeks ago, but I think itĀ“s awesome! So I wanted to show it to you.

IĀ“m sure most of you already know or use it, but for those who donĀ“t you really need to have a look at it.

ItĀ“s called Listnerds and is an "email" marketing tool.

Well itĀ“s not a real email marketing tool, because no email addresses are collected or involed really. But itĀ“s all based on Hive, so itĀ“s very interesting for everyone on here who wants to get more exposure for their blogposts or projects.


Let me explain:

The last month I made alot of blogposts, but I did not really see much use in promoting my blog posts in "normal" social media like Facebook or Instagram. Because most people on there are not into Hive, or maybe not even into crypto, so the audience I might reach with that wonĀ“t really help me. I am shifting over my whole music and everything I do to crypto, so there is not really a usecase for me anymore to use these sites.

Twitter is a little bit different, so I still use this, because twitter is full of crypto fanatics.

But I looked for a tool which helped me promote my stuff in the cryptoworld. Listnerds is perfect for this! ItĀ“s a marketing tool based on Hive, so everyone who receives your emails is already on Hive and might be very interested in your projects! This is such a great thing.

I am still new to this so I might not understand every function of it yet, but the basics are:

  • You read mails which are in your inbox in Listnerds

You get credits for every mail you read. If you have a free account you get 5 credits per mail you read; If you upgrade to premium (which I did last week) you get more credits per mail read. Depending on the level you upgrade to you get between 25 and 50 credits per mail!


  • You can send emails to other users in Listnerds

For each credit you use, the email will be send to one person in listnerds; if you have the free version if listnerds, you can send one mail every 7 days I think; if you upgraded to a premium level, you can send more often (between every 3 days and twice a day)
-> This is great, I normally link my last blogpost to it and really get some upvotes, comments and new followers out of this!


  • People can vote for your email in Listnerds

If you manage to get more than 20 upvotes for one email, your mail will be verified. This means you earn LISTNERDS Tokens for it! For my last email, I got 35 LISTNERDS. If I would sell these to the highest buy-order there is right now, this would be 52 Hive!! Wow, this is alot only for sending a mail. And my goal wasnĀ“t really to earn something with it, but just to get some more exposure for my blog post. So I think itĀ“s really awesome


  • You can vote for other people`s email in Listnerds

If the mail you vote on gets verified, you will also earn a few LISTNERDS through the mail of others which you voted on. How much that is exactly, I donĀ“t know yet. But I will tell you as soon as I know it.

These are the basic functions. There is more, like staking CTP Tokens, but I am not so sure on what that does yet. I need to read into this more. You can also collect referrals and build your list. And I think you can also earn from every referral you have. I also need to look more into this.

I just seriously think this is an awesome tool, and you should use it! Because itĀ“s not much work to just read a few emails a day and collect some credits. And I really found some interesting blog posts through this, which I would have never found without Listnerds, I am sure.

General email marketing has normally an average of about 2-3% that people open your email and read them. I experience higher rates here. For some of mail mails I have 6% reading rate or more, which is great!

Well guys, if you want to sign up, I would be happy of course if you want to use my referral link. šŸ˜Š If you have any more questions, or if you already have experince with this tool, please let me know! I am very interested in learning new stuff about Listnerds. Thank you!

I hope this helped you a little bit to get an overview and to arouse your interest. You should not let this tool pass without at least trying the free version.

I hope you guys have an awesome day! And see you soon on my next post about the first snapshot of my RAVEN Token! šŸ˜‰

Best regards,


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I am very thankful for everyone who supports me on my journey!!

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