Don't miss this 8 Top Social Media Marketing tips for your product.

With new dynamism in the world of technology today,every organization/business can no longer ignore the eruption of social media when it comes to marketing and ultimate sale of products and services.

  1. Facebook
    Facebook is the biggest social media platform with over 1Billion subscribers. This makes it a very powerful global network when it comes to connecting people and marketing.
    Studies carried out still show, that facebook leads when it comes to time spent on Social Media by Social Media subscribers. Most people spend lot more time on facebook engaging and consuming content on facebook platform.
    From being the most dominant social media platform, it’s also a multidimensional allowing different activities and linking from other platforms like, photos, videos, tags, reposting, sharing and more.

  2. Converged Social
    With the explosion of social media, companies no longer depend on only one media channel to market their products or services. This new phenomenon has forced Companies to embrace diversity hence the converged media namely, Owned, Earned and Paid media.
    Owned Media refers to marketing assets or content that the company has complete control over. These include websites, blogs, videos, power presentations and the like.
    Earned media refer to user generated media created by responses to your product or services. These includes, Customer product reviews, forum responses, photos and more.
    Paid Media refers to utilizing two or more of the above channels to market your brand. This allows one to reach customers by becoming available to them at various points and channels.

  3. Hot Video
    Also known as video marketing is the most recent sensational in the world of marketing. With Facebook having a live video feature, instagram and snapchat with video stories, the sky is the limit for this new phenomenon.
    Snapchat is believed to be the king in video engagement with over 10billion video views per day surpassing the 8billion for facebook.
    As you explore all possible ways of exploiting video marketing for your products, remember video influencers. Just the way the top bloggers attract traffic on your product with only a mention or a share, so it is with video marketing world.

  4. Paying to Play Social media/internet
    This refers to utilizing internet channels provided to advertise products and connect with customers and eventually make sales. Examples include,
    Web advertising, here the internet provides a platform to place advertisements reaching thousands of consumers. These include placing banners, texts ads on popular pages/websites that feature your line of products.
    Another way to benefit on play social internet, is by taking advantage of surveys and thousands of research carried and made available on the internet on all aspects of marketing and products. This will help you to excel in your marketing.

  5. Dark Social
    Any Company trying to venture into online business need to familiarize with Dark social aspect. These refer to links sent through private messaging like email, messaging apps and secure browsing to measure referrals. It helps you to know how your product is doing out there. Is it talked about? How many times have people picked interest in it? This helps you to know how to improve your brand and which channel works best.

  6. Social Chat Bots
    It’s a computer program that mimimics human conversation in the internet via auditorial or textual methods. Businesses use chat bots to deliver messages and services to consumers on chat platforms. It’s something to look out for as you seek to optimize internet in marketing

  7. Mobile First
    There’s nothing new on the importance of mobile friendliness, but the cost of ignoring mobile social media experiences for brands dragging their feet will rise dramatically. At a minimum, make sure Google thinks your site is mobile friendly and maybe, most of your customers will too.

  8. Social Media Automation
    Social media automation are tools used to automate processes of posting content on social networks. Automation saves businesses a big deal of time used in updating content, giving feedback or managing social media accounts. Though managing social media has become a full time job in the organization, automation still plays a great role in management of the social media.

In conclusion, social media marketing at times seem like just another advertising channel, with artificial automation schemes for brands to scale the illusion of customer engagement. The truth is, social networks have revolutionized the content, engagement and influence in the world of marketing. Marketers need not forget that, the action of the people with technology actually solves a real problem. The future of social media is brighter than ever.

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