Stealing Niche Ideas from Quora | The PRO Tips

Hello friends,
From now on, I am going to share some awesome SEO and blog tips and tricks DAILY BASIS which would help your business to grow rapidly.

Today's topic: How to Steal/ Generate Niche Ideas from Quora. [Focusing amazon affiliate]

Well, most of the newbie niche marketers struggle to find a good niche in which he/she may start working. This is the most crucial part. If you make mistake in this part, there is 99% chance that your business is going to fail!

Many noob and even veteran marketers like to drag organic visitors from quora. This is the opportunity! We'll do reverse engineering and steal some awesome niche ideas!

Let's come to the point directly!
Suppose you want to make a niche blog about Kitchenware.

Step 1.

i. Go to
ii. Search "kitchen appliances reviews/ best kitchen appliances / kitchen appliances" in the search box.. [one at a time with variation]
iii. Go to the question thread where people answered most [there you could get more ideas, however, go to every question and answers to dive deep]
iv. Don't look at the answers, just look at the links they have attached there. ;)
Look at the screenshot:


Just go through the link and you'll get a niche targeting kitchen appliances.
[However it is not necessary that everyone would share their niche. You'd find some great answers niches without any links, or links with eCommerce sites.]

Step 2:
a. When you have chosen a niche, just copy the domain and open [There is 14 days trial for new usewrs]
b. Select "Domain Over view".


c. Select Organic Research form the left hand side.


d. You could see tons of keywords there regarding kitchen appliances!

To dive deep hit on the "Advanced filters".


And as you know "best" "reviews" "buy online" keywords convert most. determine your criteria.
And ENJOY!!!!

The domain is searched in SEMrush is not an ideal site, you could get more golden domains following this method. The more powerful the site, the more keywords you'll get from them!
Lastly, apply your innovative ideas, and you'll surpass me!
If you have any query, just shoot that one here in the comment. I'll answer your each and every question]

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