Market Friday Shops for Freedom

Today is #MarketFriday initiated by @dswigle (Denise! That is me!) Today, in the United State, it is Independence Day, the Fourth of July. What better place to go than to the to where it all began? I have a feeling if we follow the Freedom Trail, my store will be somewhere along there.

Please leave the link to your post on here so it can easily be found by others. They will all be in one place!! Thank you! ❤


I didn't know that the Old State House in Boston had a gift shop. (We are baaaack!) I am not sure how I missed it on the first go around! I think I was so interested in the history of it and admiring the architecture, trinkets were the last thing on my mind. But, when I went back, I went in and enjoyed many of the items they had in there, although most were laced in sarcasm.


There is the balcony that the Declaration of Independence is read in its entirety, every 4th of July since it was written in 1776. At the top of the building are the lion and unicorn, which are symbols of the United Kingdom. They were forcibly removed in a protest and burned in a bonfire. The lion and unicorn made a return when the building underwent a restoration project in 1882.


I just get into the place that I was looking for and ... Oh! Has this ever happened to you? You find exactly what you are looking for and then - they move it. Not to worry! There is plenty of other things to look at.


This is one of those funny/not funny moments in time. I couldn't have said it better myself! This was what was written about this cup.

Need a daily reminder of how screwed up things are? Then consider getting the Disappearing Civil Liberties Mug. The mug depicts the Bill of Rights, one of the most revered and essential documents of our nation. Congress has been picking away at these essential rights for a decade, and now you can actually see them disappear every time you pour in hot liquid. Oh, they don't all vanish – your right to assemble and protest takes a hit, but your right to bear arms stays just where it was. This can be used by left and right-handed people.


Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:

How to Participate:

1. Go to the market! Any market will do! Food, Clothing, Plant or Animal, if you wish. You can go to the zoo or an art auction. Anywhere or anything that you pay money for a service. I once went to a nail salon.
2. Take pictures! Be creative (or not)
3. Tell us a little bit about the market, what brought you here?
4. Post the picture(s)
5. Don’t forget to hashtag it! #MarketFriday by @dswigle
6. Drop the link to your post here so I can easily find them

It is always interesting to see the different markets around the globe! C’mon! Show me your market shots! I eagerly await them!


There are giant pencils with erasers... scrolls of the Declaration of Independence. Signed baseballs, all kinds of political satire written. Tee shirts encouraging you to start a Revolution. If you can imagine it, I am sure someone will make you one.



You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat?


An ear of corn on the cob!


As always, there must be a flower. Always. To color my world. This flower is dedicated to #FridaySkyBlue #ColorChallenge by @Kalemandra, who colors my world every day. Oh, Forget-Me-Not!!


Boston's Old City Hall used as the city council, 1865 to 1969. Benjamin Franklin's statue still hangs out there. A copper donkey sits in the courtyard and after a little grumbling from the workers at City Hall, a set of shoes were sculpted with the Republican elephant on it. They stand in front of the donkey and say stand in opposition on it, showing they don't agree. As a note, You cannot notice it from the outside, but, inside is a steakhouse. I discovered it by mistake. The new City Hall is now located in Government Center, in Downtown Boston.


And just like that, this post is done. I hope you had a good time! The beautiful city of Boston is an incredible place for a little bit of shopping, especially while I am playing tourist in this history-laden city, where there is always fun to be had! As always, I want to thank you for taking the time to visit and for supporting the #MarketFriday challenge! We will sit for a moment or three and then, we may wander back down to the Quincy Market and see if we can find another lobster for lunch. Have a most fabulous day! Cheers!!

As a footnote, the television series Cheers used exterior shots of the Bull & Finch, which is a restaurant and bar on Beacon Street. It has since changed its name to Cheers.


Let the sun shine in on your life
So the joy may touch your soul

I have been discovering new places, some right in my own area! This week, I went to a new farmers market that was two minutes from my house and while I was there, discovered another farm that sells eggs. Yay! I love to share and be shared with! I am intrigued by different cultures. It is exciting and yes! I would love to see yours! Don't forget to take photos wherever you happen to be shopping - whether it be the grocery store, the local marketplace or even an art gallery, a kite festival! Wherever money is exchanged for a service or for merchandise. Be different if you wish! It does not have to be a traditional market! We will love it! I promise you! Don't forget to use the hashtag #MarketFriday and @dswigle.




Thank you for visiting my post 💖 Because of you, I come back to post, again and again, I am humbled by you. Taking the time to read, comment and even upvoting. For all of these reasons, I am eternally grateful. All of these kindnesses are notice and appreciated.

I always post this poem down at the bottom of my posts. It is one that has become so near and dear to my heart. I only post the most famous part of it, but, wanted to post it in its entirety today.

they set my aunts house on fire
i cried the way women on tv do
folding at the middle
like a five pound note.
i called the boy who use to love me
tried to ‘okay’ my voice
i said hello
he said warsan, what’s wrong, what’s happened?

i’ve been praying,
and these are what my prayers look like;
dear god
i come from two countries
one is thirsty
the other is on fire
both need water.

later that night
i held an atlas in my lap
ran my fingers across the whole world
and whispered,
"where does it hurt?"
it answered,


warsan shire

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