Market Friday goes to Lowes

Today is #MarketFriday initiated by @dswigle (Denise, that's me!!) I hope you will join me as we share different markets across the globe. Every week, I look forward to seeing what you will send me and I am always happy to see so many from all over the world.


I would like to take a moment to shoutout @txatxy from Bilbao, España. She is wonderfully talented, innovative, artistic, a free-spirited woman that writes whimsical words and defies rules.

But, her talent is so spectacular, so understated at times, over-the-top wonderful at other times. Please stop in and see her. She is yet another unappreciated talent.

Check her out! @txatxy !! tell her Denise sent you.


Who doesn't love to see what they will be selling in some foreign market, shopping in places I have never been to and some, never even heard of. There is always a curiosity attached to foreign ingredients, different produce or any product sold. So, yes! I would love to see yours! Don't forget to take photos wherever you happen to be shopping - whether it be the grocery, art galleries, wherever money is exchanged for a service or for merchandise. Don't forget to use the hashtag #MarketFriday and @dswigle.

Please leave the link to your post on here so it can easily be found by others. They will all be in one place. Where else can you take such a quick trip around the globe? Thank you! ❤

This week I thought I would do a different Market Friday than normal. Although I'm pretty sure we tow the line on what normal is. Instead of shopping for merchandise, I found myself needing to return some two by fours that have been bought and not used. We all have that special someone in our house that buys ahead of time for a project that never seems to get done. I had a large stack of wood that was purchased for a project. One that never got done. Did I say that already?


The wood has been stacked in a special corner to keep it straight and will not work or get dirty, because we know how special this project is but never has been done. After looking at this wood for approximately one and a half to two years, I decided that it needed to be returned. I took the seats out of my van and stacked on the wood in there. I drove the five 5.8 miles to my local Lowe's and wondered how I was going to approach them about this wood that was approaching old age.

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I slid it within his reach and held my breath. They checked the wood and said they would send someone out to my car to get the rest of the wood. Seriously! How nice was that!?


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I put the piece of wood up on the counter as the worker walked out. He took one look at it and determined that because they still sold that there, there was no problem taking it back and he would send somebody out to unload my car.

Wow! I was thinking I was going to have to do it.

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Then along came my superhero with his big helper. I watched it as it came barreling down the aisle, looking for me.

I raised my hand and waved. I am over here, I said. Oh, my! He is coming to take it away.

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No Stress. They pulled it all out and loaded it up. Where were they when I needed them back home? I hope they come with a warranty. I wouldn't want these guys to get broken and not repaired.


They buzzed down that aisle and stop midway, jumped right out and began restocking the merchandise immediately!

Time waits for no one

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Pro services took and counted my lumber. Then they did the unthinkable. They paid cold hard cash for lumber that was sitting in my storage shed getting ready to collect dust. Well, now that I have extra money, let's stroll around the store and see if we can find something pretty for the garden! I know I can do it!



Before we go, I want to thank everyone for being a part of #MarketFriday! And a word to the wise. Only buy what you need, no what you think you may need in a few weeks. I end up returning a lot of things!

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Thank you, Lowe's! You just put a smile on my face!


¸.♥´¸.•♥*¨) Let the sun shine in on your life
So the joy may touch your soul

(¸.•´♥ (¸.•´ ♥

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Don't ever forget what a wonderful world we live in, people. Let's hold hands around the globe and make this earth really spin. Some days, it is not as easy to see, so we must try harder to give everyone the proper focus.

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