Market Friday Challenge

Today is #MarketFriday! Walk with me while we wander through the Military Commissary to pick up a few things.

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Practically a whole row of peanut butter- this may take me forever to get through here!

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Cheese! Wonderful cheese! I picked up some from Nederlands as I was thinking of my friend @dutchess! It is the smelly one!

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Forever and a day it takes! That is why the blog runs late!!

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Freshly made bread. My favorite, if I don't make my own.

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I am down to the finish line -I can almost see the checkout from here. Grocery stores this big are not for the faint of heart. It takes forever! I think I will stick to the smaller markets from now on. Have an awesome Friday.


How to Participate:

Go to a market! Any market will do! Food, Clothing, Plant or Animal, if you wish.
Take pictures! Be creative (or not)
Tell us a little bit about the market, what brought you here?
Post the picture(s)
Don’t forget to hashtag it! #MarketFridayChallenge by @dswigle
It is always interesting to see the different markets around the globe! C’mon! Show me your market shots! I eagerly await them!

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