The Intention to Pay Zakat Commercial: An Application of Revised Theory of Planned Behavior. #Market#CN#

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Several researches have been carried out to predict the intention to pay zakat using the factors
introduced by the Theory of Planned Behavior – developed by Ajzen & Fishbein (1980). Meanwhile, an
addition of predicting past behavior factor on the intention to pay zakat has not been found in previous
researches. The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of attitude, subjective norms, perceived
behavioral control and past behavior towards the intention of traders in the Lhokseumawe city to pay zakat
commercial. The revised Theory of Planned Behavior was used in the research. This study aims to predict the
intention of zakat payers. A total of 2,432 traders as the population of the research was identified and 150 of
them were chosen as respondents determined using the purposive sampling technique. Using multiple linear
regression models, it has found that the subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and past behavior
partially have positive and significant influence towards the intention to pay zakat commercial. It also finds
that past behavior variable has the most dominant impact towards the intention of zakat payers, while
attitude has the least impact towards the intention. Finally, there is a simultaneously positive and significant
influence towards the intention to pay zakat commercial.

  1. Introduction

The terms of zakat management are set out in Islam as a collection and disbursement by religious financial
institutions, known as Baitul Maal. Qardawi (2004), as cited from several hadiths had asked the companions
of the prophet to take alms from those who have been obliged, in the Baitul Maal. Furthermore, Qardawi
(2004), concluded that the rules of zakat are not a private matter but it is a personal responsibility of Muslims
and thus, it is the duty of the government to attract and distribute accordingly through applicable regulations.
The management of zakat through money collection and distribution generally contains some wisdom, which
is the means to maintain the obedience of the people. By raising charity, it will be able to provide support to
the less fortunate more thoroughly. Meanwhile, the distribution of zakat by individuals is feared to gain some
centralized attention by certain individuals, while there are still others who are more in need but are not
made known to others. The zakat fund-raising through the agencies will form a substantial financial strength
and would potentially create effective planning of a variety of related programs for the benefit of the people
and the country. In short, a better management of zakat can potentially bring more values and make the
money distribution more meaningful. At an international charity conference, it has been mentioned that the
world has the potential to collect zakat funds of US$ 600 billion or approximately Rp. 6,000 trillion by using
the approach of calculating the consumption index indicator. Similarly, the potential of zakat in Indonesia, as
one of the countries with the largest Muslim population in the world, could reach Rp. 300 trillion per year.
However, out of the great potential, about US$ 1.8 trillion per year was realized to be received (Bramasetia,
2012). These figures are accumulated from all types of zakat; zakat firah, zakat maal, zakat commercial,
agricultural zakat and other types of zakat.
The small number of the zakat realization is due to a variety of factors, including the lack of knowledge about
the zakat obligation among the Muslim community, lack of socialization by the Institute Amil Zakat (LAZ) as
well as the intention of muzakki (Muslims who are made mandatory to pay zakat). With regards to the
intention factor mentioned in the Theory of Planned Behavior developed by Ajzen (1991), it is influenced by
attitudes, norms, behavior and past behavior. Many researchers believe that this theory and various variables
in it are still relevant to be used as a foundation for examining human interest. Using the Theory of Reasoned728
Action (TRA), Bidin et al. (2009) concluded that attitudes and subjective norms affect a person's intention in
paying zakat for the income. Sapingi et al. (2011), using a variety of variables that exist in the TPB, also
concluded that attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control affect a person's intention to pay
zakat. There are studies using the same theory conducted by Mastura (2011), Muafi (2011), Sihombing
(2012), Burhanuddin (2010), Hidayar & Nugroho (2010), Machrus & Purwono (2010), Nathan et al. (2010)
and Santosa (2007). The data of zakat collection by the Baitul Mal in Lhokseumawe city reach Rp. 45,787,000.
About 58.8% of the zakat realization are collected from civil servants where the zakat is directly deducted by
the treasurer. Only 1.3% of those collection are deposited by individuals. Meanwhile, some companies which
are the local government’s partners paid the zakat amounted to Rp. 15.306.000 or by 33.40% which were
also deducted directly by the treasurer. Meanwhile, the banking services contribute up to Rp. 2.903.375
The small contribution of the traders in paying their zakat raises a question on their intention to fulfill this
individual obligation. Those traders in the city of Lhokseumawe may ignore their obligation to pay zakat. The
low awareness/intention of the community, especially the traders to carry out their obligation to pay zakat
may be influenced by several factors including; attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and
past behavior. These may be the factors that influence their willingness to pay zakat, thus the formulation of
the problem in this study is:
 Did the attitude factor affect the intention of the traders to pay the zakat commercial?
 Did the subjective norm factor affect the intention of the traders to pay the zakat commercial?
 Was the perceived behavioral control factor against the intention of the traders to pay the zakat
 Did the past behavior factor affect the intention of the traders to pay the zakat commercial?
 Which dominant factor affect the intention of the traders to pay the zakat commercial?

Reviewing the results and discussion of the study, several points could be concluded as follows:
 The partial test result on variables of attitude (X1), subjective norm (X2), perceived behavioral
control (X3) and past behavior (X4) influence significantly and positively on the intention of muzakki
to pay zakat commercial among the traders in Lhokseumawe city.
 A significant influence that is also found between all independent variables on the dependent
variable uses simultaneous testing.
 The past behavior variable is found to be most dominant in influencing the intention of the muzakki
to pay zakat commercial among traders in Lhokseumawe city.
This research proposes several suggestions for certain parties as follows:
 Those stakeholders such as policy makers, managers (amil) of zakat institutions seek to improve the
community’s intention through the enhancement of understanding the benefits of paying the zakat.
The socialization efforts are evident through the conduct of regular lectures, public discussions,
seminars and other banners. Furthermore, it needs to design a zakat fund raising mechanism to be
more effective and efficient as well as to ensure that a better distribution process can be done.
Moreover, the zakat management should be trusted, transparent and comply with Sharia.
 For the academicians, one suggestion is for them to do more research related to the intention to pay
zakat and general consumer interest. Furthermore, the results of research are to be presented to the
parties concerned, with the zakat management that can be done more effectively and efficiently.
The study examines only a limited number of existing phenomena with respect to the interest to pay zakat; it
was not comprehensively done and therefore it cannot answer all the zakat problems faced by all parties.
Furthermore, there are variables that need to be adopted which discuss the person’s intention such as the
levels of trust toward the zakat institutions, the growth/increase in income upon paying the zakat, as well as
the terms of mustahik.


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