Dream market fuck ups.

 So dream market is messing up. We are gonna go through the past few months that I have seen. Lets go.

 One of the things I've seen is an IP adress being leaked. So the IP was found to be, and it was traced back to Zimbabwe. There is a vps hosting down there. And this isnt the first problem. Theres bitcoin missing, scams and othere crazy shit. 

  Another problem theres a bunch of government agencies that are looking into it. It being a big market place and the dea, fbi, the dutch national government, and European agencies. Again guys maket places are not 100% fool proof. Hansa and alphabay went down and now they are gonna come after the next big one. 

 This maket is definitely compromised. So there was a vendor taken down I wrote a post on this the other day. Also the IP adress is leaked. 

 The dutch national police have a list of vendors on the maket that they are looking at. For all we know these could be guys they have already caught and are still on the market.and all they would have to do is after the arrest switch the pgp key from the original vendors gpg to the DNP (dutch national police) pgp. Which happened with hansa. Vendors have said they couldnt login. So there is a place called grams where you can look up vendors. 

 There is an admin that was found blackmailing vendors. Just wanted to throw that in there. 

 So i will update this as more info comes out on dream. I would never advise to use this market. But this is purely for educational and informational purposes only. Im not an expert just read a lot. So stay safe and watch yourself on these sites. 

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