Why is a good emotional couple, but also can not escape a third party?

Marriage, someone derailed, if the relationship between husband and wife has always been bad, a lot of problems, we can easily understand, or even feel that it is strange. For the kind of good husband and wife can also be derailed, but it is very difficult to understand.
Occasionally see a point of view, the happy marriage of men than unfortunate men more easily derailed.

Because of unfortunate marriage, his time and energy are used to deal with the unfortunate marriage, exhausted, and even despair of feelings. Even in the face of the third party showed good, my heart will think twice again, hesitated.
And happy men, they have plenty of time and energy to enjoy the joy of emotion, but also easily into another relationship. And this kind of happy marriage man is more likely to be liked by a woman, indicating that this man has the ability and charm to run a good marriage emotion.

This view sounds very reasonable, according to this view, thinking, without the third party, marriage can not be too good. Marriage is not very good, all day life in the unfortunate marriage, but also very painful ah.

No matter what kind of state, marriage and affection may encounter problems.

It seems impossible that we want emotional marriage to be happy while escaping the involvement of a third party.
Emotional good husband and wife, the biggest problem is to settle the status quo, the use of the inertia of life to run the marriage emotion. Often times they become formalistic, feeling that they have always run marriages and their marriages have been so beautiful and that this is a proven way.

Even if the marriage meets some bad signs, it will not think and seek change. Until the third party involved, the parties in marriage will be foggy, do not know what to do in the end break something wrong.

Our ancestors long ago told us a truth, be vigilant in peace time. Even in a very comfortable environment, there is a need for a sense of danger.

The same is true of the siege of marriage, happy and beautiful marriage of this state, so that the parties in the marriage have forgotten the importance of operating in good intentions, and the vigilance of possible dangers. Eventually in the face of the involvement of third parties, it seems vulnerable.

This time apart from grievances, self-pity, really no other way.

However, there is an old saying, poor change, change is through.

Even if the emotionally good marriage, encounter a third party, do not know the reason, do not need to fall into such a tangle, to change just fine.

Spend more time and more with dim sum, so that the accumulation of emotional exchange of power to once again have the feeling of reborn.

In the usual emotional management, in addition to the maintenance of their own emotions, or need to have a precarious vigilance.

Save the marriage, we are serious!

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