Have you tried Salvia Divinorum? This 'Sage' will get you high!

I never been a big fan of hallucinogens for the main reason that I’m afraid of being scared of something that isn’t there and not being able to overcome that fear… and die…
Kidding. It’s all in your head, right. But I just don’t like highs that makes you loose too much control. Except for alcohol. You can be out of fucking control with alcohol. But it’s fun. And you’re still fairly connected to reality.
Except in those cases….

Or this....

But those trash bag nights don’t happen too often (anymore), so I’m not worried.

I had never heard of salvia before that day where my friend handed me a “joint” of it in the car. She was driving and simply told me I gotta try this shit.
“It’s just an herb bro… and it’s legal. The high starts right away and barely lasts 5 minutes. Trust me, it’s fun.” Doesn’t take much from my friends to convince me.
So, I lit up the joint, took 3 small puffs and passed it back to her. It literally took 5 seconds for me to feel it. The road in front of us transformed into cartoonish colours and I felt like I was chasing road runner in a spaceship.
“WTF is this!!!!!??? WTF WTF WTF” … I was freaking out and I wasn’t even thinking about how the hell she was driving the car, I was just focusing on all these colours that didn’t make any fucking sense.
She pulled over right away and for the next couple of minutes, we both couldn’t figure out if the car was stopped or not…. verifying the lights, the key lock, the shifting stick…. with her having the keys in her hands, of course….
At one point, we got out of the car and started looking all around it….
That went on for a big 2 minutes… turning around the car and screaming at it.
At this precise moment when the high wore off and I came back to my senses, I had the most unforgettable glance over my shoulder where two homeless people were sitting and looking at us with their mouth open and profound confusion in their eyes.
I looked back at my friend and without a word, we got back inside the car and drive off.
Fucking. hilarious.

But please, if you ever do salvia, be in a safe environment.
But to be honest, even if you are, it might not seem like it….

My second and last time I did salvia, I was with an other friend whose was her first time (we’re all bad friends influencing each others into doing bad things. That’s how life goes).
That time, I didn’t remember anything of my trip, but my friend did. We were sitting on the couch and same same; after a couple of puffs, the high hit us like a mothafuckin train. Apparently, the room burst into flame and the emergency of getting us out of there got my friend to literally get us the fuck out. When I came back to my senses, we were outside the apartment and my friend was still in panic. “You were burning! Everything was burning!!! Holy fuck!
Yup. Shit got real.

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