Weed stories

Im currently 17 years old not smoking weed right now. I just wanted to share a funny story of weed making me paranoid as fuck. Alright so weed doesnt normally fuck with my brain but i picked up this one thc oil cartridge from a guy i normally got them from and this time, whatever strain it was, it felt like i was tweakin off meth. Like literally a minor version of tweaking. I would jolt around, brain wouldnt focus on a damn thing, i would randomly twitch, and parnoia up the ass. Im not allowed to smoke (why im not smoking right now, TESTS) and so sometimes ill get a little paranoid about whether i smell or if i look high etc. Im an experienced smoker, like going weeks without being sober (yes i know thats not food for you, especially as a teenager but my brains already fucked with all the other drugs ive done). Anyway, normally weed gives me this slight paranoia that actually helps me in life because im more cautious of my actions, and dont do stupid shit because I think it will always seem suspicious of me smoking weed even if it wont. But this cart was waaaay different. Id be in school and think literally every single person is talking about me, laughing at me, staring at me, and had me wondering what the fuck am i doing. When i got home My mom was coming home and I started trippin out. I cleaned my entire room, literally washed the floors twice, vacuumed twice, washed every desk, washed all dirty clohes, all sheets and pillow cases, cleaned random shit. For example, i wipd down the bar that holds hangers in my closet lol. My room was a fucking mess before this too. Clothes laying everywhere, trash all over the ground, atleast 10 plates, atleast 20 cups, and a few bowls. LITERALLY A MESS. When i was done in like 3 hours i looked at it and thought "WHAT THE FUCK" lol. My mom got caught an hour ish ater i was done and I was thinking shes all suspicious about me smoking. I had literally no reason to think that but thats how bad that cart had me. Literally just the thought of her coming home made me paranoid. Then once she was home i was thinking, this is suspicous as fuck that i just cleaned my room so much so I didnt show her for 3 days lol. My friend also used my pen after school and I dropped him off and he had basically the same situation. Tweaked the fuck out and cleaned his entire kitchen and bedroom before his mom came home.

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