My first day in the marijuana industry

I woke up at 4 am with such excitement. Quickly I got ready knowing I had a hour and half drive up to Denver. The drive wasn't really as bad as I thought. I got to my destination about 30 min early, but was met with confusion. I didn't really know where I was supposed to go as it wasn't clear. I was at the right address but the sign on the building said it was a printing company. I called my contact number to find out I really was in the right place. I guess even when it's legal there is a tendency to hide from the public eye. I walked up to the door, and as it opened a cloud of smells wafted over me. I felt like I was home, I was where I belong. The day actually went really fast. After putting on some scrubs, in an attempt to keep the facility sanitary, they had me sit in a room with about 20 other people and we got to work. They handed me a giant stalk and it was my job to separate it into it's parts. Stems in the trash, buds in one bin, and sugar leafs in another bin. It was probably the most fun I had ever had while getting paid. At the end of the day I went up to the supervisor to see how he thought I did. He told me I was at about half the weight the wanted to see, which for a brand new employee that was good. He went on to tell me that at this point it is less about making weight and more about showing up on time everyday and working towards improving. I now sit outside waiting for my second day ready to correct some of the mistakes I know I made yesterday and learning from the ones I might make today.

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