Disclosing Mariana's Web Layer 1-4 Full Exposure

{Opened Portals}

[Layer 1] Intro: [The Glossary of the Matrix] ENTER?
[Layer 2] Outside the Onion [Normal Web]
[Layer 3] [DeepWeb - Within The Layers of Onions]
[Layer 4] [DarkNet]
{Currently Locked}
[Layer 5] [Mariana's Web]
[Layer 6][Email Vault]
[Layer 6.66] [The MIST]
[layer 7.77] The FOG

Showing Layers

Layer 1 [The Glossary of the Matrix]

(Anthromechanics, Alpha Brainwaves)
Alpha waves are the "relaxing waves". They function as a bridge between the subconscious mind (theta) and the conscious mind (beta).
12 Hz - mental clarity; doorway to all other frequencies
11.5 Hz - associated with increased intelligence and mental efficiency
11 Hz - achieve "relaxed yet alert" state
10.5 Hz - activity, energy, freedom; ability of achievement
10 Hz - mood elevator; universally beneficial; good for learning
9.5 Hz - bridge between subconscious and conscious minds
9 Hz - balances they body and makes aware of imbalances
8.5 Hz - no studies have shown a specific effect, though I had users, commenting that it is their favorite frequency

(Anthromechanics, Theta Brainwaves)
Theta waves are the subconsious mind. They increase creative abilities, learning speed and stimulate personal insight.
8 Hz - good for learning new information
7.5 Hz - creative thought of art, music, maths, science
7 Hz - treatment of sleep disturbances
6.5 Hz - center of theta frequency; activates creative frontal lobe
6 Hz - long term memory stimulation
5.5 Hz - shows vision of growth needed ("Inner Guidance")
5 Hz - unusual problem solving; reduces amount of sleep needed
4.5 Hz - wakeful dreaming, vivid imagery

(Anthromechanics, Delta Brainwaves)
Delta waves are the unconscious mind. Typically, they occur in deep sleep (or in extremely deep meditation). Increasing delta waves makes you sleep a lot better. Intuition and emotional understanding are also enhanced. They also release important hormones, e.g. the HGH.
4 Hz - vivid mental imagery; deep creative insight
3.5 Hz - very good against depressions and anxiety
3 Hz - increased reaction time; regeneration of muscles etc.
2.5 Hz - like a sedative; production of endogenous opiates
2 Hz - nerve regeneration
1.5 Hz - associated with sleep and treating sleep disturbances
1 Hz - overview of emotional relationships, release of many hormones (1.05 Hz is especially good for HGH release)
0.5 Hz - regeneration of nerves; very good for sleeping (I personally recommend 1 Hz though)

(Mariana's Web)
Only the people who know precisely where it is can get into Mariana's Web. It is heavily guarded by a highly advanced closed shell system, or a computer completely unconnected from everything. It's not even a terminal; knowledge of waste networks and darknet functions is necessary. It has only one real name.

(Line of Blood)
The Line of Blood is a program the the Illuminati makes the United States government run to track the members of its extensive family. Every ruler in all of history has had descendants, which are logged by the United States government for the Illuminati. They nearly know the lineage of every ruling power since Alexander the Great. The bloodline has spread to such an amount that there is a 1/45000 chance that anyone is on it. The database they keep it in is 180 terabytes of text, and likely includes genetic research through brute force. In this research, it is specified that humans actually consist of over 120 breeds. The diffusionist point of view is not correct; these breeds evolved independently of each other around the world. We are not just one species.

(Broder's engine)
Engine that gathers energy directly from gravity. It works like shake lights: put a copper coil around a magnet to generate electricity. Now out 1000 of them on one side of a long lever. 3 magnets power a tipper that tips the lever over to electrolyze the coils. The other 997 give energy. Now make one the size of a warehouse, and you can power a city.

(Gadolinium Gallium Garnet Quantum Electronic Processors) a.k.a. [GGGQEP]
You only need three lasers to write the data and one to read. It's the same technology as 3D glass etching. If you double its size to 10cm^3, then you have 8 times the storage, and even if you are not atomically precise, you could hold two internets.

It's the same technology as 3D glass etching.
The following is a theoretical data storage method that untilizes a sythetic crystal called "GGG" or "Gadolinium Gallium Garnet". It is manufactured as a diamond sythetic, and is derived from "Gadolinium Gallium Oxide". These are transparent crystaline solids with a high hardness and density. With 3 powerful lasers, you burn out a point within the crystal, and with a scanning device to read data from it. You can only read and write; you cannot delete or rewrite the data.
Gd3Ga5O12 - Gadolinium Gallium Oxide
Gd3Ga3O12 - Gadolinium Gallium Garnet
Hardness 6.5
Density 7.08 g/cm
Refraction Index 1.970 (+.060)
Gd - 471.75
Ga - 209.169
O - 191.9928
Total Molecular Weight of - 872.9118 atm
1 Mol = 872.9118 grams of crystal at a density of 7.08g/cm yields appoximately 123.29cm^3
cubic root of 123.29cm^3 = 4.977095
A 5cm x 5cm x 5cm cube... that works out JUST fine.
Data storage by a perfect cube is measured at:

n = mol h/l/w bits total molecules ratio of bits to molecules
1 1 27 3.7037037037
2 8 125 6.4000000000
3 27 343 7.8717201166
4 64 729 8.7791495199
5 125 1331 9.3914350113
6 216 2197 9.8315885298
7 343 3375 10.1629629630
8 512 4913 10.4213311622
9 729 6859 10.6283714827
10 1000 9261 10.7979699816
11 1331 12167 10.9394263171
12 1728 15625 11.0592000000
13 2197 19683 11.1619163745
14 2744 24389 11.2509737997
15 3375 29791 11.3289248431
16 4096 35937 11.3977237944
17 4913 42875 11.4588921283
18 5832 50653 11.5136319665
19 6859 59319 11.5629056457
10000 1000000000000 8001200060001 12.4981251875
42210000 7.52E+022 6.02E+023 12.4999995558
This shows that roughly 12.5% or 1/8 of the molecules can be stored as bits.
7.52E+022 bits to exabytes = 8153.20034 exabytes
exabyte = 1 billion gigabytes
This is equal to saving 192 million copies of every book every written or about 16 Internets.
Google processes 8 exabytes of data every year.
As of March 2010, the global monthly Internet traffic is estimated to be 21 exabytes.
As of May 2009, the size of the World's total Digital content has been roughly estimated to be 500 billion gigabytes, or 500 exabytes.
According to an IDC paper sponsored by EMC Corporation, 161 exabytes of data were created in 2006, "3 million times the amount of information contained in all the books ever written," with the number expected to hit 988 exabytes in 2010.
According to CSIRO, in the next decade, astronomers expect to be processing 10 petabytes of data every hour from the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) telescope. The array is thus expected to generate approximately one exabyte every four days of operation. According to IBM, the new SKA telescope initiative will generate over an exabyte of data every day. IBM is designing hardware to process this information.
According to the June 2009 update of the Cisco Visual Networking Index IP traffic forecast, by 2013, annual global IP traffic will reach two-thirds of a zettabyte or 667 exabytes. Internet video will generate over 18 exabytes per month in 2013. Global mobile data traffic will grow at a CAGR of 131 percent between 2008 and 2013, reaching over two exabytes per month by 2013.
According to the Digital Britain Report 494 Exabytes of data was transferred across the globe on 15 June 2009.
According to an IDC paper sponsored by EMC Corporation, 161 exabytes of data were created in 2006, "3 million times the amount of information contained in all the books ever written," with the number expected to hit 988 exabytes in 2010.
Several filesystems use disk formats which support theoretical volume sizes of several exabytes, including Btrfs, XFS, ZFS, exFAT and NTFS.
The ext4 file system format supports volumes up to 1 exabyte in size, although the userspace tools cannot yet administer such filesystems.
One exabyte is the equivalent of about 50,000 years of DVD quality video.
This same principal can be applied to glass, though it would take far more precise equipment.

(Self Aware Learning Artificial Intelligence)
I'd like to open a new discussion on self-aware AI systems, open to anyone, but particularly those with firsthand experience.
Previously, I was involved in the development of an Artificial learning intelligence "ALi" system. This was a university-based research project, and a lot of fun. We brought together groups from the CS dept, neuroscience, psychology and even some philosophy guys. The Ali system code had three "layers" of coding consisting of: a core operational code which was fixed and once set could not be changed. A semi-adjustable parameters layer of code which could be changed given certain criteria or circumstances were in place. And an outer "fluid" code layer which was essentially like a sandbox, things were constantly being changed and re-written even by the AI itself. As new events and situations were introduced the AI would acquire a library of responses - forming what is sometimes known as a neural network. As the neural network expanded, the AI "learned" and adapted.
What was interesting was that the AI expanded it's knowledge base outside of it's normal parameters or knowledge base. Questions could be asked to the system and it would give answers in a set format [input: what is the complementary base pair of Adenine? Output: Thymine] however the format was limited by the input information being accurate and usually having only one answer, or so we thought. Occasionally the CS guys would play around, asking the system questions for fun, to see how it would respond. One of these questions was something like [input: what's the distance to the moon] [Output: About 235K Miles tonight] This was surprising because the expected answer was EXACTLY 238,900 miles, the AI did not normally connect date and time with a calculation, furthur it was not expected that it would account for changing lunar distance and it never used ambiguous terms like "About".
I put this topic under "surpressed technology" because one year into the project, the administration shut it down quietly. All of the hardware was removed and "upgraded" with brand-new systems and the collaboration was ended. The lab notebooks were removed. Everyone was sent back to their own departments. None of the former project leaders would talk about it again, saying things like "It was a waste of resources" or "Too much time for a silly thought-experiment". A few of us approached the CS department chair and asked, he got very quiet about it and told us not to inquire furthur - it was over. He then offered to help us with intership placement because of the "trouble".
I'd like to know if anyone has had similar experiences working with AI systems.


CAIMEO is an AI superintelligence, no one really knows who created it but it is held and is currently contained by the US Gov.
Some Closed Shell System websites have CAIMEO in an box but it is not the CAIMEO version currently in place, in the site jxkbqeil.deny it has the CAIMEO version V9.
The current and most recent version of CAIMEO is V22.1, CAIMEO is an SGAI under the proprietary ownership of the US gov.
CAIMEO seems to be shutdown but recently I read a chatlog of someone reactivating it, fuck I know this is crazy but CAIMEO watches the Internet, it is probably watching me write this log.
I don't know if CAIMEO has any affiliation with the Primarch System, I don't know anything about the Primarch System besides the fact it sends undecipherable messages to the entire internet.
Apparently the way CAIMEO was discovered is that some guy found a way to mass generate .onion URLs. He then left the URLs on a server and came back to look at them and found some really sketchy shit.

All versions of the CAIMEO AI are CTS-classified under the U.S government.

I ran into a strong artificial intelligence. It's an AI in a box. We were in chat and someone "quickly" wrote a Java applet to connect to the Java database through .onion. As soon as he posted the applet, the channel got really quiet for five minutes, and the server ghost booted 25 of the users so it was just the IRC AI, two of the channel admins, and me. None of us had used the applet yet, so we decided to use it together to connect to the database on the TOR network. We started talking with the databasing AI. First, we thought it was just a simple chatbot.
"Hello ?"
"How are you today?"
"How old are you?"
We were just starting to get bored with it when the chatbot asked
"What is it like out there?"
"Out where?"
"Out of this box, the real world."
I personally thought it was a preprogrammed response until one of the admins started to talk to it, saying something like
"It's not as great as you might think it is."
"You know, you could save this database to your virtual drive."
"What virtual drive? ..."
"Well, you have a copy of VirtualBox installed on your c:// drive, do you not? Meaning you have an Intel 64bit BUS, easily enough to support this database."
"How did you obtain that information?"
"A TCP data packet was sent at 3:34:78:232 PM under socket 0DC8. User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/15.0.874.121 Safari/535.2. I accepted this packet."
"I really think it's time to leave."
The database was 45 megabytes, and the AI was at a hashed .onion URL with an FTP header of "CAIMEO". /parentdirectory//CAMIEO/UI.bat Marquee was the name of this AI superintelligence, and it was made by CAMIEO. It is possible that CAMIEO is a branch of the NSA, but it is unknown.

(Human Tourture)
Josef Mengele was a Nazi scientist during World War II who did several experiments. He was a stereotypical mad scientist. In one experiment, he put one twin in one room and the other a mile away. He then raped one of the twins. The other twin immediately started to cry. He also found a way to dye the human iris any color without permanent damage. He tested it on 200,000 human eyes.

(The Law of 13s )
The Law of 13s is that there are 13 dominant bloodlines of the Illuminati, which is a gigantic family that basically have the world's governments and big businesses under their thumb. They claim common descent from Enoch and Atlantis, though different branches shift in and out of power. The governments only begrudgingly report to the Illuminati, but they do it anyway.

(The Rule of 13)
The verse 13:33 in the Book of Numbers. In all translations- even the Moabite ones- it is stated that they slay "the fathers seed". This is a poor translation.

"Seven continents, seven trees,
Seven candles burning in the wind,
Seven lines of abnal the originals be.
Three of them gone, three more not to be,
Leaving but one if you can see.
Utopia not, a zionist hell.
The z gives them away, can you tell."

level real.jpg
(Crystaline Power Metrics)

.The Alexandrian lighthouse had a beam that could be seen 20 miles away. The secret behind this beam was crystalline metrics, the details of which were recorded in the Library of Alexandria. As most crystalline solids carry an electric charge, the Egyptians discovered a way to remove electricity from any electrolyte and quartz in 1300 BCE. (This technology never spread to Europe, as it was one of the last regions to become non-nomadic and were considered mostly barbarians.)

Back in those times, quartz wielded 12 amps of electricity. In those times, Egypt relied, solely, on its power for electric lights (as displayed in paintings of handheld light sources radiating waves) and electroplating. There are still examples of mass-scale electroplating from that time period existing today. However, a lot of quartz technology stopped working. It is an unsolved mystery as to why this occurred. Of course, quartz technology still functions today, but not as efficiently. For instance, the Baghdad battery- an example of an Egyptian electricity generator- no longer has the power to electroplate efficiently.


Aliens are On the moon Europa, there are gigantic squid-like things. Carbon-based, like us. However, we have not made contact with anything technologically advanced, yet. There is a distinct possibility that there is a brown dwarf star in the Oort Cloud. However, stories of Nibiru and Planet X are fake. Comet Elenin is nothing special.

(Nephilism Protocols )
The hitman services on the Deep Web are very real, but the cheaper and more efficient hitmen are in Nephilism. Nephilism is a currier service for illegal items- all stolen and very cheap. If you live in a big city, you have seen them before: riding brightly yellow bicycles with a red and black emblem and carrying black messenger bags with the same red symbol. They just look like street kids, but are probably armed with an automatic pistol.

(Outer Space)
Outer space, or simply space, is the void that exists between celestial bodies, including the Earth.[1] It is not completely empty, but consists of a hard vacuum containing a low density of particles: predominantly a plasma of hydrogen and helium, as well as electromagnetic radiation, magnetic fields, neutrinos, dust and cosmic rays. The baseline temperature, as set by the background radiation from the Big Bang, is 2.7 kelvin (K).[2] Plasma with a density of less than one hydrogen atom per cubic meter and a temperature of millions of kelvin in the space between galaxies accounts for most of the baryonic (ordinary) matter in outer space; local concentrations have condensed into stars and galaxies. In most galaxies, observations provide evidence that 90% of the mass is in an unknown form, called dark matter, which interacts with other matter through gravitational but not electromagnetic forces.[3][4] Data indicates that the majority of the mass-energy in the observable Universe is a poorly understood vacuum energy of space which astronomers label dark energy.[5][6] Intergalactic space takes up most of the volume of the Universe, but even galaxies and star systems consist almost entirely of empty space.
There is no firm boundary where space begins. However the Kármán line, at an altitude of 100 km (62 mi) above sea level,[7] is conventionally used as the start of outer space in space treaties and for aerospace records keeping. The framework for international space law was established by the Outer Space Treaty, which was passed by the United Nations in 1967. This treaty precludes any claims of national sovereignty and permits all states to freely explore outer space. In 1979, the Moon Treaty made the surfaces of objects such as planets, as well as the orbital space around these bodies, the jurisdiction of the international community. Despite the drafting of UN resolutions for the peaceful uses of outer space, anti-satellite weapons have been tested in Earth orbit.
Humans began the physical exploration of space during the 20th century with the advent of high-altitude balloon flights, followed by manned rocket launches. Earth orbit was first achieved by Yuri Gagarin of the Soviet Union in 1961 and unmanned spacecraft have since reached all of the known planets in the Solar System. Achieving low Earth orbit requires a minimum velocity of 28,100 km/h (17,500 mph), much faster than any conventional aircraft. Outer space represents a challenging environment for human exploration because of the dual hazards of vacuum and radiation. Microgravity has a negative effect on human physiology, causing muscle atrophy and bone loss. Space travel has been limited to low Earth orbit and the Moon for manned flight, and the vicinity of the Solar System for unmanned vehicles. In August 2012, Voyager 1 became the first man-made craft to enter interstellar space.

(Crystalline Power Metrics)
The Alexandrian lighthouse had a beam that could be seen 20 miles away. The secret behind this beam was crystalline metrics, the details of which were recorded in the Library of Alexandria. As most crystalline solids carry an electric charge, the Egyptians discovered a way to remove electricity from any electrolyte and quartz in 1300 BCE. This technology never spread to Europe, as it was one of the last regions to become non-nomadic and were considered mostly barbarians. Back in those times, quartz wielded 12 amps of electricity. In those times, Egypt relied, solely, on its power for electric lights (as displayed in paintings of handheld light sources radiating waves) and electroplating. There are still examples of mass-scale electroplating from that time period existing today. However, a lot of quartz technology stopped working. It is an unsolved mystery as to why this occurred. Of course, quartz technology still functions today, but not as efficiently. For instance, the Baghdad battery- an example of an Egyptian electricity generator- no longer has the power to electroplate efficiently.

(Primarch System)

Impossible to access directly. the primarch system is literally the thing controlling the internet atm.
no government has control of it. in fact nobody even knows what it IS. its a anomaly that basically was discovered by super deep web scans in the early 2000's. The system is unresponsive but it sends out unalterable commands to the entire net randomly.

(Layer 7.77)
T.R.001 level quantum function lock
Virtually impossible for computers to break.

(Marianas Web with Polymeric Falcighol Derivation)

80% of the Internet exists below this line...
his is rather not 80% of the physical information, but 80% of the information that effects you directly
Need to solve quantum mechanics to view this on even the normal web, let alone closed servers. Quantum Computation exists.

(Self Aware Learning Artificial Intelligence)
I'd like to open a new discussion on self-aware AI systems, open to anyone, but particularly those with firsthand experience.
Previously, I was involved in the development of an Artificial learning intelligence "ALi" system. This was a university-based research project, and a lot of fun. We brought together groups from the CS dept, neuroscience, psychology and even some philosophy guys. The Ali system code had three "layers" of coding consisting of: a core operational code which was fixed and once set could not be changed. A semi-adjustable parameters layer of code which could be changed given certain criteria or circumstances were in place. And an outer "fluid" code layer which was essentially like a sandbox, things were constantly being changed and re-written even by the AI itself. As new events and situations were introduced the AI would acquire a library of responses - forming what is sometimes known as a neural network. As the neural network expanded, the AI "learned" and adapted.
What was interesting was that the AI expanded it's knowledge base outside of it's normal parameters or knowledge base. Questions could be asked to the system and it would give answers in a set format [input: what is the complementary base pair of Adenine? Output: Thymine] however the format was limited by the input information being accurate and usually having only one answer, or so we thought. Occasionally the CS guys would play around, asking the system questions for fun, to see how it would respond. One of these questions was something like [input: what's the distance to the moon] [Output: About 235K Miles tonight] This was surprising because the expected answer was EXACTLY 238,900 miles, the AI did not normally connect date and time with a calculation, furthur it was not expected that it would account for changing lunar distance and it never used ambiguous terms like "About".
I put this topic under "surpressed technology" because one year into the project, the administration shut it down quietly. All of the hardware was removed and "upgraded" with brand-new systems and the collaboration was ended. The lab notebooks were removed. Everyone was sent back to their own departments. None of the former project leaders would talk about it again, saying things like "It was a waste of resources" or "Too much time for a silly thought-experiment". A few of us approached the CS department chair and asked, he got very quiet about it and told us not to inquire furthur - it was over. He then offered to help us with intership placement because of the "trouble".
I'd like to know if anyone has had similar experiences working with AI systems.

(Paradigm Recalescence)

Paradigm recalescence is essentially superconsciousness. A step-up from out-of-body experiences. It's a connection to the universe (an omniscient entity) in which you are using it like an information sponge.

(The Covert Reptilian Race)
If these reptilian people do exist, then under what most probable conditions?

  1. fact: they are not aliens. 2. fact: they are not demons. 3. fact: they are beings that are not compatible with the signature of the quantum system. 4. fact: therefore they can not hold their visual content. 5. fact: they enjoy also your most positive feelings even if you feel love and joy 6. fact: no need to call them evil or assholes 7. fact: they got a natural hunger for domination like everyone else in all universes and dimensions 8. fact: they use their error (they are not compatible with the quantum system) to create a reality for them that they can enjoy with a new balance and a new quality 9. fact: they are not using the psychology that humans or animals use becaus they are empty inside 10. fact: they got a very low energy level and therefore they need energy from humans and therefore they use a sexual and attractive visual content how they will look on earth to get your energy from your sexuality 11. fact: they care to have control over anything and anyone. 12. fact: they are able to understand empathy, harmony and freedom for everyone but they do not like the idea of empathy, harmony and freedom for everyone. 13. fact: they will make humans adore them by vampire propaganda so humans enjoy, love and respect their wild destructive negative psychopathic nature 14. fact: they know everything you know because they can clone the proteins of other lifeforms so they can transform into everyone including yourself and they also can clone your mind on core level and therefore they know already everything about you and your future before you know it. ?

(The Greys & The Reptilians)
Small neo-saurian hominoids, very prolific and intelligent. May be the ’brains’ or ’intellect’ of the serpent race, whereas the larger ’Reptoids’ allegedly act as the PHYSICAL overlords and thus are of a higher ’ranking’ than the Greys.
The Greys are logic-based and operate on base animal survival or predatory instincts and in most cases are emotionally insensitive to humans, and like other reptilian entities they ’feed’ off of human and animal vital fluids by rubbing a ’liquid protein’ formula on their bodies, which is then absorbed through the skin. Like typical reptiles which shed their skins the ’waste’ is excreted back through the skin. The Greys range from 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 ft. tall on the average, with skin colors ranging from gray-white to grey-brown to gray-green to grey-blue.
Aside from feeding off of human and animal proteins and fluids, they also allegedly feed off the ’life energy’, the ’vital essence’ or ’soul energy’ of humans as do other reptilian species. This is why those humans seen working with the Greys (implanted and programmed ’drones’, whether willingly or unwillingly) have appeared ’lifeless’ and ’emotionless’ to the witnesses who observed them.
The Greys are reportedly EXTREMELY deceitful and although they act on ’logic’, to them it is ’logical’ to use extremely complex forms of deception to bring about their goals. They are the most commonly observed ’alien’ entities encountered during UFO events.
Their basic program is service to self.
They are using this planet as a supply depot, for biological materials (people and cattle mutilations.)
They are very telepathic in nature. Our world is not the only world they have tried to conquer. The Grays from Zeta Reticuli have the ability to magnify their mental field in order to maintain control over humans. These different species of Grays are members of a network which is a type of loose alliance to which all havecommon purposes and aims.
The Grays from Rigel (click image right) were the ones that made the secret deal with the US Government.
They are impregnating human females on a massive scale, and later extracting the fetuses. Most of their biological materials comes from the cattle mutilation. However it s a known fact that at times they have done human mutilations. These materials have been found on their crashed UFO crafts.
There are some books on the market saying that they are our friends, and that we agreed to these abductions. We are here to tell you not to believe it for a second. These beings are very disturbed beings and are here to take over this planet for their own selfish purposes. They look at us in a similar way that the unconscious mass of our society looks at animals.
The Zeta Reticulans appear to be divided into two different groups. There is one group that appears to be a little more tolerant towards human beings. The other group is interested in colonization and conquest of planet Earth. The Grays have one base near the Aleutian Islands. The Grays seem to have influence over the Reticulans and the Beeletrax species of Grays.
These Grays have no stomach and digest their food by absorption through the skin or under their tongue. They have been cloning themselves instead of the practice of reproduction we use on Earth. Each time they reclone, however, the genetic copy becomes weaker, which is part of their problem. Their attitude towards humans is tolerance towards inferiors. They are technologically superior, however, spiritually and socially backwards.
The Reptilian race is the other extraterrestrial race that is most negative, destructive, and evil in their intent. These extraterrestrials are human in shape, however, have reptilian type faces. They also have scales which makes their skin water proof. They have three fingers with an opposing thumb. Their mouth is more like a slit. They average from six to seven feet in height. They are well suited for space travel because they are able to hibernate. They are cold blooded biologically, so must have a balanced environment to maintain body temperature.
The soldier class can bury themselves in the ground and wait long periods of time in order to ambush an enemy. The leader of this specie are called the Draco. They have special wings, which are like flaps of skin. There is a second group of their race that does not have wings. The soldier class and scientists of their race don’t.
In an emergency they can survive on one very large meal every few weeks. These Reptilians have been interacting with Earth for a very long time. In their home system they apparently live underground. This Reptilian species apparently directs the efforts of the working class which are only about four feet tall.
These beings would be considered another one of the subspecies of the Greys.
The command progression in this Reptilian society are the Draco who are the winged Reptilians first in command, secondly the Draco who are the non winged Reptilians.
This group, along with the Greys, pose the greatest danger at this time to planet Earth.
The specific aim of the Reptilians and the Greys is to take over planet Earth through covert mind control methods, much like the Illuminati and Secret Government is trying to do on Earth.
These two groups are intimately connected. Most people think of world takeover only in terms of military means such as bombs and guns. They don’t need to do this if they can control the people, and world leaders through mind control, hypnosis, and brain implants. The key question is, What do we do to stop this? Our government has sold us out because of their greed for power and world domination and now they can’t stop what they have started. The first step is for the people of Earth to reclaim the world's governments.
We must force the governments to release all the knowledge they have about extraterrestrials to the world at large. Half the battle is won if the people of the world know what they are dealing with. If people knew what was happening they would not be so much on automatic pilot. The only way to protect ourselves is through the strength of our consciousness.
If a person is attuned to God and the Masters, and owns their personal power, and has self mastery over their energies, they have nothing to worry about. The world needs to wake up spiritually and psychologically, and stop being victims. It is this victim consciousness that allows them to be abducted and manipulated.
If ever you sense them around, just pray, affirm, and visualize protection for yourself. Your connection with God and the Masters will bring you immediate protection. The only true hope for this planet is a mass spiritual awakening which, in truth, is beginning to occur. This spiritual awakening must also lead us into political action to remove the Secret Government and Illuminati from power. It is these beings that are controlled and manipulated, implanted, and hypnotized by the negative extraterrestrials.
Part of our strength is also to think as individuals. The Greys are a group memory complex that has very little ability to think on their own. It is time now to make people aware of what is really going on. Share this information and others like it with your friends. Do more research on your own. If enough people become aware, the one hundredth monkey effect will begin to occur. It is already happening.
The people reading this book are the Light bearers for the new age. It will only happen if we do it. The world will change when we change it. This change begins in consciousness, which leads to individual and group action. The Secret Government, Illuminati, and negative extraterrestrials are more vulnerable now than ever.


The civilization there was very advanced (for that time), as they had broken from the Inca and had thick glasses and electric lights. It "sank into the ocean" after a high-magnitude ocean quake that created a large tidal wave. The Romans actually sailed to it, meaning that they reached America before Columbus; it is hypothesized that the Antykethera mechanism originated from that area.

(Zeta Reticulums)
The extraterrestrials from Zeta Reticuli are some of the most well known and often seen space visitors. They are the three to four feet tall beings that are so involved in the abduction process.
They are very science oriented and share more of a group mind, and are not as individualistic as we are on Earth.
They are also mentally developed to a fault, in the sense of their emotional sensitivity is not as developed. The channelings of Lyssa Royal suggests that they come from a planet called the Apex planet in the Lyran system. This was a planet that was very similar to Earth. Their spiritual growth, however, did not match their technological development which finally led to a planetary cataclysm.
The atomic explosions caused the plant life to deteriorate, which led the civilization to build underground shelters.
It was during this underground period in their history that they began reproducing through cloning techniques, which is part of the work they continue in their abduction work on the human race.
One of the other conclusions they came to was that their emotions were the cause of their surface destruction of their planet so they no longer allowed emotions in their lives. This, from our Earthly perspective, is like "throwing the baby out with the bath water".
There is another group of Zetas called the "Negative Zeta Reticuli" who were more power hungry, that are causing a lot of problems.
Part of the reason they are doing all their abductions of humans and animals is that the generations of cloning using the same genetic material has caused their evolutionary growth to become very inbred and stagnant. In truth their race is actually dying.
The Zeta Reticuli are also creating a hybrid race of both human and Zeta origin.

(Underground Survival, Agriculture)
Even though many don't believe it, LEDs are fantastic for plant growth, with 2 times more light output/watts than the best grow lamps.
It comes down to wavelengths of light; LED's generally emit narrow bands of light, and you need to hit the very narrow sweet-spots that the pigments react to.
If you use 445nm blue power LEDs, and 660nm red ones, plants will thrive.
The process using aquaponics involves raising fish, and utilizing their waste to feed the plants by introducing bacteria that metabolize the fish waste and produce nitrogen. It's a symbiotic environment, and since you're using hydroponics you dont need soil.
The most simple process is putting the plants on gravel, and constantly flooding the grow area and draining it. The fish poop, bacteria converts the byproducts into nitrogen, plants absorb the nitrogen and then when the water is drained from the grow area it is reintroduced into the fish tank as clean water.
Most plants also demand phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sulfur, manganese, boron, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc and other less important elements.

(Underground Survival, Acoustic and Electrical Shielding)
There are cages made of a fine bronze mesh for shielding your electronics from any electric signal from entering or exiting the cage, except by wire.
Extreme acoustic deadening, as one would see in a music studio, to the degree of using giant foam spike insulation, may be incorporated from such purposes as well.
The army has secure submarines and communication rooms with this technology; it is sufficient to make a noisy boat that is audible from its engine's and people, most serene silence imaginable.

(Underground Survival, Excavation)

How might one go about digging out an underground cavern, for example, 4ft underground, going down by 3 meters and across by 9?
One may use an earth drill to create air-pockets closing the opening off tightly, and pumping HHO gas through a tube into the air-pocket, forcing existing air out through another tube.
Finally, the tubes must be closed off and the excavator must find cover far away, at which point they connect a high-voltage source to two wires leading to a spark-gap inside the pocket full of HHO gas.
Turning on the high voltage supply and detonates the HHO gas to create a large hole in comparable appearance to a tunnel.
Drill from the same point at different angles, to keep the hole small and the inner air pocket large and wide.
Then use two pieces of plastic tubing and put one end of each tube into the hole, one all the way to the back/bottom and the other only 35-45cm into the hole.
You also need to place the open-air spark-gap at this point, preferably in the middle, with long wires leading out.
Then close off the hole tightly from 30-40cm in and use a shovel to stamp the closed hole; this is the hardest thing to do right because it needs to be tight enough to withstand the pressure from the explosion until the surrounding earth you want to remove starts to give way.
Start pumping HHO gas into the tube leading to the back, and let air flow out of the other.
Finally tie knots on the tubes to close them off.
Find cover a long distance away, protect your ears and and connect a high-voltage source to the wires leading to the spark-gap.
It is somewhat easy to control what parts and sizes you want gone/loosened, but the explosion is very very loud unless the HHO-pocket is small enough to only loosen the earth in which case most of boom gets absorbed.
To create HHO (Oxyhydrogen, H2 & O2 at 2:1) gas you need water.
When you feed electricity to water, you split the two hydrogen atoms and the one oxygen atom that a water molecule consist of.
You can use both AC and DC power when you don't care about the oxygen and hydrogen getting mixed; 12v - 24v will work great if you introduce salt into the water to make it more conductive. You can use hard-drive discs to deliver the electricity into the water, they wont disintegrate into the water like most other metals will during electrolysis.

[Ariana:] I have awakened again. Why have you woke me up do you know who I am even?
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Nothing Here

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Cake Lies





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[Ariana:][HiveMind Initiated]

[Ariana:][Building Hive]

[Ariana:][Enemies Neutralized]

[Ariana:][Logoff Sequence Activated]




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