Why you are busy but not productive?

Busy not productive
So man how have you been? Many people will state they are busy. Have you wondered what people get accomplished? Here in the USA we often pride ourselves on how busy we are. Yet we are mixing words up. Many people have associated being busy with being productive and most people I would say are not productive at all. Companies screaming that they need employees and those who inquire about jobs but never show up, this proves to me, that many people want to look busy but they don't want to be productive.

Yes, there is a difference. to being productive and being, simply busy. When I was younger I was the master at looking busy at doing nothing. It actually isn't difficult to do. You just move a lot with something in your hand. To get our unemployment you have to just say you have searched for a job you don't have to show up for an interview. You don't have to accept a job. You just have to look bust.

The interesting thing about all of the system that has unemployed people acting like they are busy is actually keeping the useless time wasters out of our way. Yet they are missing out. They believe they are working the system so they don't have to work yet the satisfaction a person gets from being productive is so much greater than just getting a check. to even get $600 a week for unemployment is a mere pittance when you look at the potential money and satisfaction one gets from actually accomplishing something. So with my social commentary out of the way. Let's dive into why being busy honestly doesn't serve you while Your productivity is the brass ring you want to aim for.

Now men this also goes for you who are going through that divorce. You will want to look busy and pressed for time. Many times we do this to just get away from the feeling we are having about the divorce and it only amplifies the problem.

Busy isn't productive

I pretty much gave that all away in the previous section but I want to drive this home a bit more. This is because so many of us Americans want to be productive. So Many of the people in this beautiful world want to be able to produce and share the results of our efforts. Yet we have accepted that America is a consumer nation, not a producing one. Which is sad. The country that entered World War 2 late in the game and was able to out-produce Japan and Germany. These are two countries that are still known for their engineering and productivity.

Our country is a country that says Let's find out. Yet we have succumbed to the illusion that being busy is the key to happiness and it is productivity that will allow men to have the fulfillment they are after. Yet the need to do is ingrained in men so we work to fill the need to do something yet it is not intentional.


Most people view being busy as a good thing

As mentioned before When asked how someone is doing you will often hear busy. as if that is a great thing to be. Yet being busy is a person who is wasting energy. They are doing a lot of movement for no results. This is why being busy is bad. YOu want results. what are the results you are getting? What are you producing? If you are a self-employed person those e results are probably in the form of little green certificates of appreciation.

Sadly many people view being busy as being a good thing. It is easier to look busy than to be getting results. Results are from thoughts and if you don't get the good results that means you didn't have good thoughts. Many people find those nongood thoughts to be bad. It just means those thoughts didn't give you the results you wanted. So you have to try again. Because of that many people have thoughts as to how terrible they are. That is not the case. It s just a thought that didn't work out. So it is easier to just do stuff than to go for results.

What does it mean to be busy?

To be busy means you are just working for the sake of working. It means you are doing stuff that has no motive other than to not be yelled at by your boss. That also goes for those who are self-employed. Your boss is probably the meanest out of everyone. They drive you like a slave and they don't yell as much as guilt trip you.

We want to be seen as doing work and that work is often just busy work. While productive meaningful work does take time. It does take effort and a good bit of trial and error. The difference between productivity and busyness is the satisfaction at the end of the day. Productivity grants way more satisfaction than busy would even dream of.

How do you stop being busy?

How do you stop wasting your energy looking like you are busy and start being a productive member of the organization? First, understand why you were wasting your energy and the company's money. That is going to take some thought work and plenty of focus time but you can and will find out your why. Once you have that why you can change it to something that will serve you more.


Be Intentional

Start planning your day. How are you going to spend your day getting stuff done? There are plenty of productivity "Hacks" and that's what they are hacks. They sound good but many of them are just designed to make you look busy faster. So be intentional in the work you do. the efforts you apply and who you allow to interrupt you.

Learn to say no

If people think you aren't busy they will come to you with stuff to do. you have to be able to say no. That includes your boss and any other higher-ups. There is always that one guy in the company, often in sales, who never go to the mandatory meetings. Why? because he knows where he is most useful. and it isn't in the bitching sessions that are 3 hourlong meetings. He is also the one that is the most "successful" Why? That is because he knows how to prioritize his time and is intentional.

Part of being intentional is the art of saying no and sticking to the no. People don't like being told no. Therefore they will often have thoughts about that circumstance. They may make it mean that you are being rude or unreasonable or that you are not willing to be a team player. These are only thoughts to the fact that you said you were unwilling to be distracted from your core mission.

Monday Hour one

One great way to be fully intentional with your life and what you get done is with Monday hour one. This is where you plan out your week from the family and fun time, to what you are going to do. You plan your meal times and all. Yes even when you are going to sleep and all that. I heard about this from my mentor Brooke Castillo and it isn't an easy program to do but when you do work the plan you find you have so much more time in the day.

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Read more at: https://www.relaxedmale.com/why-you-are-busy-but-not-productive/

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