Emotional Grounding Allows You To Escape The Monkey Brain’s Chaos

Life comes at us fast. If we are not careful, we find ourselves caught up in unintentional thinking. We fall into emotional childhood and we struggle to find peace in our life. Add in the 50-50 principle and we start focusing in more intently on the negative half of our life. Our brain starts swarming and scarcity. And we wonder why everybody is against us because we are full-blown in survival mode. All of this is because we allow our emotional and reactive part of our brain to take control.

We know that taking deep breaths allows us to wrestle control from our monkey brain, and give it back to the thinking portion of our mind. There are a lot of names that we give this act. I personally call it grounding or centering your mind.

Why do you want to ground yourself? Why do you want to center your mind? What are the benefits of entering into a calmer state? What are some more specific times that having a calmer brain is more  advantageous?

Why Grounding?

How many people take grounding as being very literal? Where you need to have actual contact with the Earth. Yes this can help but I called that thing. Yeah, it’s a bit on the woo-woo side, but it has shown benefits for some people.

Grounding for me is just getting yourself on solid mental footing. When we are emotional, we are more reactive to water. A circumstance means to us. When you are grounded, you Are more responsive to the circumstance. you are in control of your emotions. You’re not going to scream holler stamp and act like a fool if you are grounded. You’re not grounded when people can say you are unhinged. 

The difference between reactive and responsive? It boils down to this. when you go to a doctor for treatment if you have a reaction, that’s not a good thing wow if you’re responding to treatment, you’re getting better. In coaching terms reacting is from an unintentional mind. While a response is from someone who has fully utilized their thinking portion of their mind.

So why does it help to be grounded? To be grounded or centered means that you’re not flying off the handle because something didn’t go your way. Being centered or grounded means that you have more choices available. If you’re not grounded, you’re going to react to something in an emotional manner. That reaction is never going to serve you. Wow if you are responding to a circumstance, you are more likely to have the results that are more favorable to you.


How would you like to be in control of your life? What would that be like? You have a better opportunity when you are approaching a dilemma grounded. wow if you are ungrounded, you’re not centered you’re at the whim of life. You are not in control of what’s happening to you.

Another benefit for being grounded is you’re not having nearly as much of the stress hormones flowing through your system. This means you’re running a less chance of a heart attack. Less ulcers, less anxiety all because you are in control. You’re thinking part of your brain is actually making choices not the whacked out monkey part of your brain. 

Means that you are running a better chance of not saying stuff that you will regret tomorrow. When you’re in control, and everyone else is completely losing their mind you become the de facto leader. People will turn to you because you are the emotional stability in their life at that moment.

Your family can trust you more when you are grounded. They know they can have faith that you’re not going to emotionally lose it. you will be there for your family as they turned to you and their moment of crisis. 

Times you need to be Grounded and centered?

A couple of examples to show you why being grounded is beneficial to you and those around you.

Say you are in a car wreck. This is a high stress situation. You don’t know the state of your kids you don’t know the state of your wife. If they’re riding in the car with you you are worried about the state of your car. How are you going to get to work tomorrow? Why did this jerk off pull out in front of you? you’re surrounded by all these questions. Interestingly, enough many men do stay grounded after a circumstance like this arises. Ho

wever, I have also seen men who just fall directly into monkey brain mode and completely lose it. They’re busy trying to blame the other person for the act they’re trying to fight the party, they see as the perpetrator. When people are in this mode, it quickly can evolve into mass chaos. You can’t get the needed information because the guy who is in monkey brain mode is also deep into victim and scarcity mode.  it is much better when you can have somebody who is calm, cool and collected and wants to rectify the issue and get down the road sooner. That makes it really tough when monkey brain man won’t even listen to logic.

Another example that you can see in today’s society are the way people react when they get stopped by the police. You have some folks who just go into panic mode. They start ranting and think that they’re being victimized in some way. Sadly, some do something dumber and try to run away, even though all they have is a tail light out.

Another modern example are the rise of Karen’s. These are people who are lost in that monkey brain. They’re trying desperately to have some type of control in their life, but end up acting out of emotions, looking like a damn fool. They stand around yell scream point fingers standing in the way of cars make scenes all because they are lost in the monkey brain portion of their mind. If they actually engage the thinking part of their brain, they would see how much of a fool they were making themselves out to be. They would see How much of their actions are the results of their own thoughts.

We need our logic thinking part of our brain the most when we are in high-stress areas. Whether it is, we’re being stopped by the police or we believe that our power is being taken away from us by some unseen power. 

How do you ground yourself?

So how do you ground yourself? It isn’t as challenging as you would think. The toughest part is recognizing when you are letting the monkey brain have control. When you realize that’s happening, the key is to first stop then take slow deep breaths.

You may still have some nerve juice, also known as adrenaline coursing through your system, but you will at least be able to start thinking with your logic portion of your brain, instead of the reactive emotional center of your brain.

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