Huobi's Unethical HIVE Tweet Endorsed With Hivean Moon Talk Makes Me Livid!

Here's a screenshot of the Tweet. I won't call anyone out, but the link to see the replies is also below.

It's not surprising that the one person who stood up to properly call Huobi out for their absurdity was sorted and suppressed from view at the bottom.

Think about the message below. What are its goals and objectives?


Buy in and risk it all for 1,000 Hive if you rank in the top 100 suckers. Real cool, Huobi.

Link with the ass-kissing comments not giving a shit about the unethical Tweet, as taunting and recruiting bagholders isn't as important as rising token value:

Nice "Twitter Hustle." Hopefully this isn't the tip of the iceberg of Huobi's involvement with this pump. They showed us an ugly side here, and some notable Hiveans applauded. Painful face palm.

Unless you didn't read it (eye roll), how can you cheer for this Tweet which mocks investors for not holding Hive and encourages them to buy at the absolute top of a seemingly manipulated pump? Have a spine for the greater good.

Yes, this Tweet is designed to manipulate and create FOMO, with a link to deposit conveniently included.

While millions of dollars are being shoveled into a marketing-game "must buy by the 28th" promo pump, this exchange is literally goading people to buy at record highs.

This is monumentally ridiculous and immoral, yet some of our greatest leaders are right on that front line kissing their ass with thanks.

Dots. Connecting. Now.

God that's aggravating.

Just because you've got "sick paper gains, bros" doesn't mean you turn a blind eye and celebrate. If you don't care of think it's no big deal, then you're living proof that money and influence don't correlate well with intelligence.

But there's hope. HUGE props to the ONE person who isn't Tweeting rocket ships and moon talk replies like their dreams are coming true. You are the ONLY true leader in the group.

To whoever this is, THANK YOU, and sorry your comment was magically sorted to the bottom of the stack. Could it be @crypto.piotr stepping up to the plate? I applaud your common sense and responsibility.


I'd rather do the right thing to speak up for what's right like that one Twitter user did than cheer about profiting off dirty manipulative tactics. I simply can't pretend that I'm ok with this.I simply can't pretend that I'm ok with this.


I hope some people catch this and reconsider some things.

Greed is no excuse for supporting unethical and manipulative behavior, especially when tons of money is at stake, and their financial gain.

Hive leadership should have Huobi take that Tweet down.

Does this ruffle anyone else's feathers or raise a red flag?

Images from Twitter..

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