How To Manifest: Try Being Quiet, and Stay Off The Fence!


The other day I was listening to a youtube video-interview of Betty Edie, the author of the book entitled - Embraced By the Light.

She was being interviewed on Sandra Champlain’s youtube channel called - We Don’t Die.

Betty Edie had a near death experience and came back with knowledge from the other side to share with humanity.

She said a few really cool things on that interview.

Betty Edie was quoted as saying, “If we understood the power of our thoughts, we would guard them more closely. If we understood the awesome power of our words, we would prefer silence to almost anything negative. In our thoughts and words, we create our weaknesses and strengths.” (1)

In this interview she explained that we declare our life with our words because we are co-creators with god.

She gave an example of how the number one ointment sold in U.S. drug stores is preparation H(for those who do not know preparation H is a hemorrhoid ointment), and how this was because of people saying statements such as “you are a pain in the butt.” (1)

I’ve noticed this in my life. I’ve heard people say I’m so tired of your crap – and then they ended up tired and constipated themselves.

It’s very interesting the power of the spoken word.

Betty Edie teaches that you create as follows, “ your thoughts are seeds, by your words you are declaring it, and by your actions you are planting it – it is there.”(1) Your creation is there.

Now I’d like to talk about how - your thoughts plus your emotions equal your manifestations. In other words the things that show up in your life.

Similar vibratory rates attract and attune to one another. And because of the this there is no being on the fence about manifesting.

In any given moment, you are either creating what you want or creating what you don’t want. As well - you are either fearing (dying) or loving (living).

And this is so because of the law of life and death.

The law of life and death states that - “… There are two major chemical processes in the body that are always functioning, the “on-going life process” and the “on-going death process.” (2)

With every emotion, regardless of its degree of feeling, there is a BODY CHEMISTRY change toward one or the other of the processes. One cannot think a thought, or sit in silence, without some degree of emotion, so the body is constantly working on one of these processes. There is no neutral chemical process in the body.”(2)

In other words, and again - there is no being on the fence in manifesting.

You are literally – either - creating or destroying.

And there are even references in the holy bible about this such as Matthew 12:33 – 37 “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.”(3)“…people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”(3)

Essentially your thoughts and emotions cause waves of motion. These waves of motion cause a mind-over-matter effect, which turns these thoughts and emotions into action – manifestation in the physical world.

So I propose to you - that you build up your chi energy by being quiet for about seven days, and only open your mouth if something on the positive side of the fence wants to come out.

This may be just the boost that your manifestation skills need to launch you off to the races. You will be amazed what you will manifest..

Thank you for reading this steemit post.

Written by,
Dannie Duncan (sunhappy)


1 - youtube - Episode 22 Betty J Eadie by Sandra Champlain

2 - You Will Be OK, I Promise; A Uniquely Helpful Guidebook, by Dannie Duncan

3 -
Matthew 12:33-37 ESV / 63 helpful votes

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