The simplest way to change your life...

Bruce Lipton is one of my favorite scientists to explain spirituality, or well, reality, and how we each create it for ourselves.

He is a biologist and ex- stem cell researcher. He discovered that we are not victims of our genes. The power of our mind and belief is far greater than our genetics, and instead of them controlling us, we can actually control them.

Forty or so years ago, he got kicked out of Stanford for that discovery. By now, this field of research has a name: Epigenetics. It's a thing now. Epi = above. It's basically just the biological term for Mind over Matter.

I highly recommend watching this lecture of his. He's so cheerful and enthusiastic and entertaining - it's the most non-boring way to learn about how our mind and consciousness works, why energy healing works and how we can create and change our own lives.

If you don't have 1.5 hours, though, just watch this short clip instead.

He explains how we are all programmed, and how easily we can re-programme ourselves over night, while we're sleeping. I've been doing it for 2 months now, and I'm beginning to see the effects.

It doesn't get any easier than this. Try it!

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