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Manga and Hentai

Hello Hivers, How are you?

Today I am going to take you for a walk through the land of the rising sun, with a very brief enumeration of some of the fetishes that we can find in manga and especially in hentai, which is a more erotic variety of manga. Surely many of the otakus that frequent Hive will know much more about the subject than I do, but what I intend to share today is something very basic, a service to the community, information, like the old episodes of The World of Jacques Cousteau or that guy from National Geographic channel that travels the world stuffing itself with inedible dishes.

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As in other manga genres, hentai offers us a range of themes and styles. Its plots can range from the silliest wedding night story of a pair of lovebirds to the wildest and bestial orgies of mutilation and cannibalism. Personally, I prefer those stories that take themselves with a bit of humor. In all cases, there are usually at least two or three fetishes involved.


It is not that fetishes are something exclusive to the Orientals: Saudelli has his obsession with feet, Altuna with freckles and Manara with women without a nose, but today we are going to limit ourselves to what we can find in manga and hentai. Usually one does not find a single fetish but a combination of several. Also, just as there are many genres in manga, hentai has more or less violent, more humorous, and of course, "alternative" versions of your favorite manga, many of them drawn by well-known manga artists. Yes, there are even Pokémon.

In these alternate versions, the characters often behave very differently than usual. In the case of female warriors or superheroines, for example, they always lose their powers or forget about their training, so even a pathetic 14-year-old nerd who has never set foot in a gym can easily beat them. They are usually incapacitated with some drug or pseudoscientific device, or blackmailed, or betrayed by one of the minor characters in the series. (Not that we're going to take too long to explain, either. Usually, in the case of hentai, we'll get one or, hopefully, two pages of exposition and then get down to business for the next 20.)

I talk a lot about hentai because it is by far the genre in which they are more abundant, but yes, these same fetishes (toned down, suggested, implied or parodied) can be seen in the most common manga and suitable for all audiences and, of course, in the ecchi, which is not so innocent, it just ends up leading to various nosebleeds and not a riotous orgy.


In my next HIVE post I will publish a short list with the main fetishes of this world.

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