Learning Mandarin


In one of my first posts, I mentioned that I am learning Mandarin Chinese. I am taking an evening class at Houston's Rice University ( my granddaughter thinks it's hilarious that I am learning Chinese at a place called Rice University). I supplement that with a variety of online resources.

Michelle from "Learn Chinese like a Native Speaker" is outstanding

YoYo Chinese is another great site


Decades ago, when I was in high school (yes, sadly I am that old) I studied French and German. I was at a point where I was getting comfortable with both languages. Unfortunately, I was living in the cornfields of Ohio. No one around me spoke French or German. I didn't have money to travel to Europe. I ended up forgetting most of what I learned.

The internet offers so many great opportunities for language learners. I can watch Chinese movies or listen to Chinese music. I can video chat with people in China. The classroom learning is essential, but the real learning takes place away from class.

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