Lesson 8 (Food & Drinks) - Learning Chinese with Chris and Shu

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Restaurant 餐馆 cānguǎn
Supermarket 超市chāoshì
Vegetables 蔬菜 shūcài
Meat 肉 ròu
Chicken 鸡肉 jīròu
Beef 牛肉 niúròu
Pork 猪肉 zhūròu
Duck 鸭肉 yāròu
Fish 鱼肉 yúròu
Rice 米饭 mǐfàn

Dish of food 菜 cài
Sour 酸 suān
Sweet 甜 tián
Bitter 苦 kǔ
Spicy 辣 là
stir-fry 炒 chǎo
stir-fried food 炒菜 chǎocài
Roast 烤 kǎo
Roast duck 烤鸭 kǎoyā

Water 水 shuǐ
Alcohol 酒 jiǔ
Red wine 红酒 hóngjiǔ
Beer 啤酒 píjiǔ
Tea 茶 chá
Soup 汤 tāng

To eat 吃 chī
Delicious 好吃 hǎochī
Food 吃的 chīde
Food 饭 fàn
Eat food 吃饭 chīfàn
To drink 喝 hē
Drinks 喝的 hēde
Tasty (for drinks) 好喝 hǎohē
Drink water 喝水 hēshuǐ

I’m hungry 我饿了 wǒ è le
He’s not hungry 他不饿 tā bú è
I’m thirsty 我渴了 wǒ kě le
Did you eat? 你吃饭了吗?nǐ chīfàn le ma?
I want to drink alcohol. 我要喝酒 wǒ yào hē jiǔ
I like to drink tea. 我喜欢喝茶 wǒ xǐhuān hē chá.

Cup / glass 杯子 bēizi
Bottle 瓶子 píngzi
Bowl 碗 wǎn
Plate 盘子 pánzi
A cup of water 一杯水 yì bēi shuǐ
Two bottles of wine 两瓶酒 liǎng píng jiǔ
Three bowls of soup 三碗汤 sān wǎn tāng
Four dishes (4 plates of food) 四盘菜 sì pán cài

Ice-cream 冰激凌 bīngjīlíng
Dessert 甜点 tiándiǎn
Fruit 水果 shuǐguǒ
Apple 苹果 píngguǒ

May I ask? 请问 qǐngwèn
to order food 点菜 diǎncài
what to order? 点什么菜?diǎn shénme cài
Do you have? 有没有?yǒuméiyǒu
to bring, give 给 gěi
Please bring/give me 请给我 qǐng gěi wǒ

Please bring us two glasses of wine. 请给我们两杯酒。qǐng gěi wǒmen liǎngbēijiǔ
Please bring her one dish of chicken. 请给她一盘鸡肉。qǐng gěi tā yì pán jīròu.
I want one bowl of vegetable soup. 我要一碗蔬菜汤 wǒ yào yìwǎn shūcài tāng
Do you have roast beef? 你们有烤牛肉吗?nǐmen yǒu kǎo niúròu ma?
or 你们有没有烤牛肉? nǐmen yǒuméiyǒu kǎo niúròu?
Please bring us a big bowl of rice. 请给我们一大碗米饭。qǐng gěi wǒmen yí dà wǎn mǐfàn
They want one dish of fish and two dishes of pork.
他们要一盘鱼和两盘猪肉。tāmen yào yìpán yú hé liǎngpán zhūròu.

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