No perfect fit for what you do.

Even though it happens, people are very rarely the "perfect fit" for what they're doing. Allocating people, even yourself, to the right job is not an easy job.

We don't come with the perfect skills and personality for one particular job, but we adapt. This allows us to move inside an organization and perform different roles, carrying the knowledge learned from the past experience, even if seemingly irrelevant for the new role.

When there's a big change in an organization, people can feel overwhelmed, especially if they have to take on new and unknown responsibilities. This is and will be, particularly common, during this corona-triggered crisis.

There's no training course that will teach you how to deal with this perfectly. The best way to learn would be to go through it: doing it, one step at a time, and slowly getting better and faster at it.

If you're going through one of those times, just remember that in any kind of organization, there's no perfect fit between a person and what has to be done. We get a "good enough" or "almost fits" at best, and it's the capability of learning, adapting, and taking action, that makes the difference for both the individual and the organization's success.

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