First part on agronomic and cultural practices in the management of Musaceae crops

The seeds or rhizome of Musaceae should be peeled, eliminating the soil adhering to it, roots and any tissue damaged by weevils or other insects. Once cleaned, it must be disinfected to be free of pathogens.

Source ( qcat.wocat )

As for planting, after marking the planting points and having prepared the productive material, planting takes place, which must be done efficiently to avoid later problems.

In relation to replanting: this work is done in order to maintain the plantation with its initial optimum density to have an acceptable production of bunches per unit area, since for various factors such as pests, diseases, poor planting a percentage of the plants does not develop properly.

Planting density, spatial arrangement and its maintenance directly affect yields. There are different configurations or spatial arrangements for planting: Square, Hexagonal or Triangle and double furrow.

Source ( nature )

Leaf removal of Musaceae, in this activity consists in the elimination of leaves, the cut that is made in the various leaves should be flush with the pseudostem, to avoid the accumulation of water, which causes rotting.

Transformational leadership and contextual performance
are the main factors that most influence organizational culture.

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