Man (Male species)


Man is the one of the most important creation of God. Man is equipped and blessed with the almighty power of reasoning and thinking. This is the unique asset that separates man from other living beings. Man lives to his fullest by fully utilizing various resources available on earth, not just exist for nothing.

Human species have evolved long time ago from apes and monkeys era. Man has evolved rapidly since the ancient era. During the earlier stage, all men have bigger built body, ate uncooked foods, stayed in caves and wore clothing made out of leaves and animal skin which are minimal in terms of thickness. After inventing how to start a fire, they began cooking animals and vegetables before consuming. Certain number of inventions was made with time. Man built houses to live in and moved out of the caves. As time goes by villages were formed and then civilization took place, towns and cities came into being. Transportation also evolved and many other more. So, basically with the evolution of man, a number of things were invented and they evolved over the time too.

In today’s world, there is a huge stepup in man’s progression in terms of every sphere of. He has invented numerous things to make his life comfortable and entertaining. However, in the event he has deteriorated the environment. The atmosphere that was once fresh and pure has now become polluted. This has led to the extinction of various species of flora and fauna and has also given rise to various kinds of illnesses.

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