What Obama said to Malia and Shashi in the win of the trump

Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election defeating Hillary Clinton. His victory was unexpected to many. Joy was created at the time of the many questions and debates. Fear and alarm, anxiety, was created. The world has been disappointed and Hillary supporters are frustrated. The calculation of many complex equations around him around the world.And in that situation Barack Obama heard the message of the conservatives of the Democratic Party and Hillary supporters. Donald handed Trump to power with congratulations, commitment and peace. Said that America's democratic system is above all.However, as a "catastrophe" presented to Trumpe's victory in front of his daughter Malia and Shashra, Obama said to his daughters, "Your duty is to fight for the people, to encourage them. You do not become worried about a 'disaster', but fight to move forward.At that time, Obama told the US media The New Yorker, "I told them (Malia and Shasha) that people are very complicated. Society and culture are really complex ... it is not a mathematical lesson, it is the study of biology and chemistry. Humans are living creatures and very chaotic. So your work as a citizen and sophisticated man is always standing beside the helpless people; Take good care with them; Fighting to ensure their rights; Show them kindness, respect and feel their grief.Obama said at the same time, "The rise of orthodoxy can occur at any time in society. You may have to face such a situation. It may happen in your own way, it must be accepted. And this stereotype never stops ... but do not ever bother for it. You will never get worried about disaster. You have to say, OK, you have to go ahead by pressing it.

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