Random thoughts

We live in a male dominant society. And this is the main reason some part of the world females are very backwards than the males, and always fights for their rights. The females are always seen as inferior. I belong to eastern part of the world. Here the position of female is not that worst but still they are being dominated. They have got their certain rights and even they are being thought equal to men but the traditional thinking of society remains the same.
When any female walks out on the road people think negative about them about them. They gossiping and all. When a male walks out freely with two or more women its prestigious but when a female walks out with two or more men she is thought to have bad character and hated. Why only men has the freedom to have affairs with two or more opposite sex why not female. In western society, its all common, but in the eastern society its still the same. The more we say we are modern we be more traditional. Females are told to do this and that, not to do this or those.
Even I cannot overcome the traditional thoughts but i try my best to be loyal and good to opposite sex. I respect all the ladies that I have in my life. They are the true inspiration for me. My mother, my sisters and my love I respect all of them and love them, similarly I do respect all the women in the world because they are also someone’s sister mother or life partner. Respect to all.

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