Maker Weekly Meeting January 7th 2017

MakerDAO Updates

Meeting Audio

Thank you all for joining the weekly meeting. We have 24 participants on the call today.

Agenda items will be posted prior to the meeting on

Upon conclusion of the recorded part of the meeting, further topics will be discussed.

Maker Core:

  • General

  • Governance
    • DSChief (DRI: nikolai)
      • Documentation
    • Token redeploy and auxiliary deployments (redeemer, burner, chief-auth, weth, etc)
    • Bytecode multisig
      • No Update
  • Dai v1 (DRI: Rain)
    - Dai service (will improve Dai dashboard)
    - Working on streamlining with DS-Proxy
    - Work on V2 looks and feel underway
    - Multi collateral also in the works
  • Keepers (DRI: Reverendus)
    • Market making on Oasis, EtherDelta, RadarRelay and Bibox.
    • A new keeper for automated rebalancing of market maker keepers.
    • Improving the market maker keepers so we can get better spreads. Done with Oasis (Websocket price feed, better order enumeration). Bibox still in progress.
    • Deployed Andrew’s GLM model live to one of the Oasis keepers.
    • GLM model being upgraded by Andrew to add jump diffusion model.
    • Andrew also started a risk model for multicollateral optimal liquidation ratio.
  • Feeds (DRI: mariano)
    • Getting close to a version 2 of feeds
    • Jan 1st small amount of time the feeds were down
    • Integrating offchain signing


  • Oasis (DRI: Geronimo):
    • Oasis General:
      • The OasisDex team will work closely with the CDP-Integration-Team to bring CDP`s to all Oasis Products
    • Oasis-React:
      • Contracts finished
      • Testing needed
        - Testing ready in a few days
      • MVP targeted within the next two weeks
    • Oasis.API
      • No update
  • CDP Integration (DRI: Wouter)
    • 2018 planning for timing and roadmaps
    • Standard Javascript libraries
    • Documentation and marketing materials
    • Will be offering technical services
      - Support for MKR and DAI integrations
      - CDP integrations
      - Keepers and bot integrations and uses
  • Business Development: (DRI: Matt)
    • Hired Head of Product working out of Denmark (Soren Peter)
    • Hired Community Manager (Jessica Solomon)
    • Hired Office Administrator (Hayley)
  • Hiring:
    - System Admin
    - Continuous integration Developer
    • Launched
  • Business Development (DRI: Rune)
    • Exchanges:
      • No update
  • China (DRI: Rune)
    • No update

General Topics:

Topics discussed here are not binding and should not be taken out of context of an open discussion. More is said during the general topics than what can be faithfully transcribed into written text

Meeting Audio


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