Maker Meeting Notes October 15th 201

Recorded Developer Updates

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Thank you all for joining the weekly meeting. We have 20 participants on the call today.

Agenda items should be posted to or in #meeting-agenda on Rocket Chat

Upon conclusion of the formal portion of the meeting, further topics will be discussed and debated.

Maker Core:

  • General
    • Contracted Trail of Bits (ToB) to audit the rest of Dappsys, starting October 30th
    • Nikolai: Spoke with Rain and Rune about MKR stability fee changes. Will take another week to present a general solution where exact value flows can be configured at deploy time. We want to avoid a situation where everybody comes to their senses but we’ve engineered ourselves into a corner. We can debate options publicly once they are all available concretely in code, it is too messy otherwise.
  • Governance
    • Prism (DRI: Ryepdx)
      • Scheduled for ToB audit #2
    • DSChief (DRI: nikolai)
      • Waiting on ToB audit #1
    • Token redeploy and auxiliary deployments (redeemer, burner, chief-auth, weth, etc)
      • Waiting on ToB audit #1 which covers ds-token
    • Bytecode multisig
      • No update
  • Sai - Simplecoin (DRI: Rain)
    • Implemented 'fees'. CDP debt accrues unpaid fees over time. These fees are paid when CDP debt is wiped, proportional to the wiped amount.
    • Unpaid fees are denominated in Sai, and paid in MKR. The MKR is burned. A MKR price feed is used to determine the conversion.
    • Unlike the stability fee, this is a 'usage fee', and the unpaid amount does not form a part of the CDP debt.
    • The ‘usage fee’ can be adjusted.
    • Next step is working through the user interactions via the frontend.
    • New Berlin UX for SAI dashboard looks promising
    • To present at Devcon
  • Keepers (DRI: Reverendus)
    • Designed the architecture for keeper monitoring: piping events from keepers to an Elasticsearch database and building
    • Kibana dashboards on top of it. Enhanced the keeper framework with ability to register events related to sending transactions, transactions getting confirmed, overriding gas price etc.
    • Improved configuration of the Oasis Market Maker keeper in preparation to foundation market making: parametrizable expressions, better validation.
    • Upgraded keeper dependencies. Some bug-hunting related to it.
    • Additional funding requested
  • Feeds (DRI: mariano)
    • All but 1 feed down during recent network congestion, back to normal now
    • Update feed for Ethereum hard fork


  • Oasis (DRI: Geronimo):
    • Oasis DEX:
      • No updates.
      • Proxy and Oasis contracts have been modified and need to be reviewed.
      • Basic Frontend is done, but functionality needs to be added in steps.
      • Fetching of order details is already working and the team is going to proceed with the implementation of the buy functionality with native ETH (i.e., no ETH wrapping needed)
  • Business Development: (DRI: Matt)
    • Eth waterloo hackathon
      • T-shirts were created for the event
    • Hiring:
      • Community manager west
      • Market maker (internal keep)
      • Technical Account Manager (focusing on integrations)
      • Analytics Developer
      • UX Developer
      • General Counsel (Regulation)
  • Business Development (DRI: Rune)
    • Exchanges:
      • Working with Korean exchanges
  • China (DRI: Rune)

General Topics:

Topics discussed here are not binding and should not be taken out of context of an open discussion. More is said during the general topics than what can be faithfully transcribed into written text

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