Makeover Monday - Bluegrass Cover Songs Pt. 2

My apologies for missing a couple of weeks there for #makeovermonday. I am hoping it won't happen any time again soon, but with the way life has been throwing me curve balls lately, it's untelling. Today is a continuation on the Bluegrass Series. Let me remind everyone who did not read my last #makeovermonday that I am not a huge fan of the Bluegrass genre, but hearing remakes of modern rock songs to that of Bluegrass inspired these posts. You may even see some country turned Bluegrass in the mix. Hope you all enjoy!

1.Dream On by Aerosmith as performed by Cornbread Red. I think this guy does most of these covers. This is a very interesting take on such a timeless and classic song. I don't know if I would have been gutsy enough to even have touched Aerosmith with Bluegrass, but I feel it was pulled off.

2.Paradise City by Guns N' Roses as performed by Iron Horse. While this song is really Bluegrass, I'm honestly not sure how I feel about it. I have mixed opinions of it in all honesty. What is your opinion? Did they pull it off?

3.Scar Tissue by Red Hot Chili Peppers as performed by Ben Demerath (on vocals). This is a very interesting take on what I think is a great song, as overplayed on the radio as it was.

So, what are your thoughts/opinions on today's Bluegrass covers?

Check out Makeover Monday - Bluegrass Cover Songs Pt. 1 to see the very first post in this series!

Ilsa Ione


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