#makeitmonday - Fairy Garden!


Because when I was a little girl, I loved playing dollhouse. I would arrange and rearrange, organize and decorate.

When my daughter was a little girl, I played with her dollhouse too. :)

My girls and I, @randomphandom and @shey-dawn decided we wanted to make fairy garden accessories. We invited my mother over and raided the craft room. When we had the table good and stacked up with corks and bottle caps, tulle and fabric scraps, twigs, wire, beads, colored thread, hot glue, stones and anything else we could think of that we could use for our fairy garden build, we got busy.

Our Creations

My mother, who claims to be completely void of creativity, made this with a foam ‘stone’ and a little tree branch. She painted the buds on the branch green to look like leaves. She made a tiny bird’s nest from Spanish moss and painted some wooden beads to look like eggs. She looped wire around to form a flower and used nail polish to create each petal, much like the circle of a bubble wand is coated with soap.


@randomphandom made this pool from felt. She painted plastic grapes to look like beach balls. She made the lounge chairs from popsicle sticks. For each chair, she made a little towel and rubber duck. The ducks were cute tacks from her bulletin board, she just broke the pin off the back.


@shey-dawn just about burned her thumbs off putting this adorable fairy bed together. If I was a fairy I’d definitely sleep in this bed.


I made a table and chairs with twigs, and a lantern with beads. I found some tiny cloths pins at the dollartree and used them to make a cloths line with tulle and felt cloths. To make the fire, I frizzed out some red and yellow yarn. The marshmallows are cylindrical wooden beads on the tiny ends of twigs.


Thanks so much for visiting!

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