Making her wet


I make her wet most nights and despite having done it so many times I never tire of the activity; I get deep enjoyment from doing it and, of course, there's a great deal of mutual benefit that comes from it. I spend around thirty to forty minutes most nights at the end of which she's very wet and I like to think incredibly satisfied. Sometimes the fluid gets on me as well but I don't mind; fully immersing myself in the moment makes me feel closer to her and sort of extends the pleasure.

I made her wet tonight

I'm referring to watering my garden and let me assure you, she loves it!

Living in my part of Australia means extremely hot summers and, with little rainfall, keeping gardens alive and thriving takes constant effort so whilst I live a very busy lifestyle most nights I can be found outside watering my garden.

She's a mix of formal garden areas and vegetable garden beds with a good number of potted plants as well. I've focused on using plants that will accept the conditions however have kept away from the hardy natives which, whilst more tolerant of the conditions, are not overly interesting to me. I mix green foliage with splashes of colour and with the selections I've made generally have a nice balance of the two. With my vegetable gardens I've planted out varieties I'll eat and have also made some effort to focus on those that are more suited to the conditions. There's exceptions that I have to work a little harder with but generally, provided I keep the water levels up and shade them on the very hot days, everything I have is quite tolerant.

I get pulled in many directions and have a lot of commitments however making time to spend with my garden is incredibly important to me. Not only does it ensure my hard work isn't ruined by the hot weather and lack of rain but I enjoy those moments out there, the smells of the moist earth, sounds of flowing water and the way the air feels fresher as the water cools the foliage and provides life-giving mosture.

She loves it

Humankind hasn't generally been kind to mother nature and, with the ever-increasing demand upon her resources, moving forward I think she'll suffer a little more. I can't directly impact the entire planet but I can care for and love my own garden, and I do, passionately.

The time I spend out there, be it preparing soil, propagating, planting, weeding, clipping, harvesting or just making her wet is so valuable and, in truth, I believe is just as important for me as it is for my garden. As I look after her she looks after me in return, my wellbeing, providing sustenance, peace and quiet moments to enjoy. I've just finished out there and am so pleased with how things are going and especially so with my vegetables which are looking simply stunning; I'm in for a pretty good harvest this time around I think and it's difficult to be patient. Whilst I'm being patient I'll enjoy those moments with my garden and look forward to the bounteous return she'll provide.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

the image is my own

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