I Make $1,000 Fast A Month

Selling an item you already own could be a simple way to make that cash.
We're going to look at individual expensive items to get that $1,000 – but if you've got lots of smaller items that add up to that amount, you could also make it by selling them.
Either in your local area (second hand shops, flea markets) or online with sites like eBay.
Just remember, selling them online might take a little longer to get your money { http://bit.ly/2uzqmCk } .

CLICK HERE { http://bit.ly/2uzqmCk }

Making $1,000 by buying and reselling isn’t going to happen overnight, but the process can still work well. Even so, you do need to be careful. Some ‘gurus’ and programs suggest that you can make a lot of money with Amazon FBA by buying items at wholesale prices and reselling them.

While Amazon FBA has its advantages, you can easily end up out of pocket – as the program charges significant fees and people don’t always make the purchases that you expect them to.

It often works better to focus on individual products, especially cases where you can increase their value and sell the product locally. Flipping bicycles is a great example of this pattern.

Many people underpin their bicycles when they’re selling them, especially if there are mechanical problems. If you have the skills, you could easily buy an inexpensive bicycle, fix it up and sell it for a decent profit.

In some cases, you might be able to make money by simply marketing the bicycle better than the original seller did. A similar approach can be taken with cars, although you’ll need to check local laws first.

While becoming a big-name DJ might be difficult, doing weddings and other similar functions is easier than you think and doesn't even require that much skill. You will need some equipment (which you could borrow) but you don't even need a huge number of records anymore since you can keep them all online { http://bit.ly/2uzqmCk } .

CLICK HERE { http://bit.ly/2uzqmCk }

You could make the $1,000 you need within a few weekends worth of work if you get customers quickly enough. Try asking around friends and family if they have any events that need music, and offer a price to undercut those who might have been doing it for longer.

After all, you only need some quick extra cash and aren't trying to make a living doing this – so you can afford to work for less. You could also advertise locally if you want to take things more seriously, and this could be a sustainable long term earner that's fun and enjoyable at the same time.

If your talents don’t lie in music, what about being a wedding officiant instead? Wedding officiants sometimes perform their services for free, but that’s not always the case. Instead, they often charge a fee per ceremony, which tends to range between $100 and $500 { http://bit.ly/2uzqmCk } .

Officiating a wedding isn’t very difficult either (as long as you’re comfortable with public speaking!). Your main role is at the ceremony itself. You may need to be present at a rehearsal or two as well, but that’s pretty much it.

Becoming a wedding officiant isn’t especially challenging either. The processes vary depending on where you live. But, in the United States, you’re often looking at a fee of well under $100 and a little legwork.

While you can focus on traditional weddings, there is more money to be made by taking a non-traditional route. After all, finding a traditional wedding officiant isn’t difficult. Finding one who is willing to do a Star Wars themed wedding or a nudist wedding… good luck.

You might offer non-traditional wedding in general and allow people to tell you what they want. Or, you could choose to specialize in a specific area. Specialists tend to earn more in most fields and officiating weddings is no exception. { http://bit.ly/2uzqmCk }

CLICK HERE { http://bit.ly/2uzqmCk }

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