"Are You An End-User That Wasn't Into Crypto Prior To Steem?" My Answer to @whatsup


I was just scrolling in order to cast my upvotes and saw a post of @whatsup that was resteemed and was visible through my feed. The post was basically a follow up for another post in which he wanted to read the stories of the ones who learned Crypto and how to use them as a result of Steem. To let you exactly know some of the things he wrote:

 If you learned about Crypto and how to use it because of Steem, I am interested in your story.
I want to make a case that we can use the Steem Blockchain to onboard MainStream Users to crypto, even without being designed for it.Share your story with me and the rest of Steem. 

You can read the whole post and be part of it if you click


1) How did you hear about Steem?  

I was checking about ways to make money online and each time i discovered one i was trying to find more and more info about it. One of them was blogging and while i was searching everything there is relate to blogging i found an article regarding Steemit. According to the article it was the next lvl of blogging in which you could have your own blog and earn crypto along the way.

Till then the only thing i knew about Cryptos was the name and the price of Bitcoin 

2) When did you join?  

Because exactly for the reason above i was a bit skeptical about the whole thing. I found Steem-Steemit during December of 2016 and because of my skepticism not to get scammed (add the fact that by sign up you got some free $$) i joined during February 2017. Yeah 2 whole months later.............

3) Why did you join?  (What was the attraction?)  

There wasn't a particular reason, i think many factors led to that. First of all, the fact that i would have "my own blog" for free while in my search, in order to make a decent blog i had to pay some bucks (host services/name etc etc). Also, i can say that key role played the fact that i saw some big payouts in trending page as well as some pretty decent for other posts that seemed a bit crappy to me. I thought "if those crappy post get that money, mine would earn triple the amount".  Finally, the whole cryptocurrency thing which honestly felt like i will obtain btc or like steem will reach btc price. In other words the fact that i am diving into the crypto world FOR FREE

4) Have you expanded your crypto life beyond just Steem.  

Yep but not much. After I got into Steem, i read a bunch of thing about it and how it works. Then after a while i checked some other cryptos and even obtained some without actually giving a single $ out of my pocket! Also, most of my crypto life expanded because of Steem and Steemit. Most likely i will look for interesting posts regarding other cryptos first in here and then i am gonna check articles or their whitepaper!

5) How would you explain your current interest in Steem and Crypto in general?  

My main interest in Steem and Steemit (i keep mentioning both of them together cause in my mindset are tied) is the fact that is one of the few social platforms that actually moves forward in every way. It may sounded a bit confusing while we face these issue but let me be more specific. Mostly every social platform out there is fully of crappy people that will keep spouting nonsense after nonsense and we are talking about the vast majority of its users. Steem and Steemit is the opposite. Most of the people are gentle, will help out in every way they can and make newbies feel like home. Also, we have some great minds that came up with some pretty awesome ideas (Dapps etc etc). Therefore my current interest in Steem lies in the people and in what can be achieved by them/us that will change something in the world.

With Crypto in general my interest lies in the advancement of technology that will make our lives easier while we maintain our privacy! 

6) Are you holding or investing  

Till now i am holding but sometime in the future i would also like to learn a bit about investing and actively invest! 

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