If you have a team of people who are making £1m a year how much money should you raise?

  • George: £60k
  • Fox: £80k
  • I was contracting, recent jobs were paying £400-500 per day.

London is an expensive town and when launching a startup there is a massive opportunity cost - how to derisk it?

As a human person I have only 24 hours - and even with:

Constantly trying to get the the best investment on my time:

Reaching a conclusion that recording micro sales-pitches targeted at individuals take 1 minute to record, 5 minutes to put online with a intro message in the email... Definitely doable, personal touch taken to the next level. And then - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eating_your_own_dog_food - using @mailhustle itself to automate chasing leads from my inbox.

Looking for my tribe, looking my team. Entrepreneurial journey is so lonely and so exhausting. Remote team - I am a human, I much prefer physical proximity. We have a number of supporters but I need to find someone next to me...

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