Tarot cards of the day

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Violence, the nice feeling we get after a good beating whether we give or we take it. Yes we still watch action movies we still watch wrestling, we love violence and we think that we can be civilized by not becoming violent.

Well here is the thing violence is it useful other than for violence, honestly I don't think so, I think violence is fun for its own sake, I like martial arts, I like watching action movies and I dont see this as something unhealthy. Look around you the more you keep people not violent the more they become psychopathic they become violent in other ways and much more damaging than violence taken out by the fist. SO now I ask this question again is violence is useful for anything but violence?
Yes it is only useful when we admit that we like it, hell rough sex is nice and also romantic sex too, depends really what you are in the mood for.

Now what does that have to do with the cards of the day well the 7 of wands resembles the opposition and how you react to it and the queen of pentacles well mothering and taking care of your kingdom and appreciating it. But can violence exist in a harmonious kingdom.

Lets get into the kingdom of self before we start assuming politics, can violence exist in a harmonious self, in my opinion and experience yes, it seems as a good broader expression of the self rather than accepting the self to be clean from anger and what sufis would call the 10 destroyers. (sorry for the show off there but couldn't resist the irony...those who know me personally would laugh at me using this example...but moving on)
Here is the thing if you look at yourself as something to get fixed you will always feel broken, its common sense really. But how can you be useful to yourself and useful to society, that's the thing; you don't have to be. Here is a suggestion try to look at yourself as a tapestry of many colours then you will know how to mother your violence and difference between it and repression.

For bookings you know what to do!
May no order hinder you
May chaos be your authority!

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