Introducing IA arts and crafts or what is known as INSA arts and crafts.

Tarot cards of the day:

10 of pentacles and the 8 of pentacles

So as to build your life you have to first understand your life and to begin with that which matters the most and build upon it. Now instead of going to the deep end and finding out that you didn't know how to swim and you just realize that the best lesson you could have learned is to take it slowly, but sadly you are learning this while you are drowning.

Now what did I do here I basically told you that it would be a great idea to take things slowly and added an effect the possibility of danger upon not taking things slowly, and what does that do, it creates a state of self criticism, which makes us very susceptible to believing information without experiencing its effect because we used our expectation as proof for our security rather than us really going through the experience.

The ten of pentacles is mostly presumed in occult circles as the card of financial satiety and having everything you want around you, that dream, that bait that some upstart businesses would baits you with so they can recruit you as a customer or a worker depending on the fast food factor where food is undercooked and heavily spiced up so you no longer care about the nourishment only care about what the taste.

But what is that dream, since the day you were born you are bombarded with possibilities and methods to achieve material of supposed value through those possibilities, but we tend to forget what is that of greatest of can't find this in any book except your own book that one that is dependent on your writings of your experiences by the sweat and blood of your own being.

Once you figure out what you want in your life based on your own taste of pleasure not the other's advice go from there and fucking do whatever you can to make sure to get those in your life and build a life with the jewels of pleasures of those desires.

The 8 of pentacles here simply adds to the picture, that now that you know what you want.....that is if you know it, take responsibility to go fucking get it. But this is the more of the earthed aspect of action where you have to sit down and figure out things, to figure out who are you in which circumstance.

Now what is it that we tend to forget about, is why do we look for ways to escape life rather than live it, why do we maintain methods of building prisons and fashion them with so many jewels, and our only excuse is that we suppose that it is ours.
What I am saying here is a suggestion go for ways to help you learn skills to discover and enjoy life rather than ways to help you stay at one place and expect life with all of its adventures to come into your house through simulation.

This starts by understanding yourself in circumstances and how circumstances affect you and in turn you affect them.

Let's keep it simple, we are a life coaching and occult research facility and we aim at learning and teaching magick and helping people on finding ways through the wild and the weird to enjoy the enchanted aspect of life.Thus finding more ways to give life meaning.

Currently we do tarot readings and life coaching through the occult through facebook video messaging.
You can find us on facebook as well on INSA arts and crafts.

May no order hinder you
May chaos be your authority!


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